5 Content Writing Tips For Start-Ups To Follow
Any business, which is starting out, needs to design its own identity. Think of words as tools of conversation you would use with actual people in the real world. For start-ups who are finding their way in the big, bad and ugly world of business, words take on a real importance.
Start-ups should understand the importance of content for their business through a simple equation-
Great Content = Traffic + Revenue
Yes, you might have an innovative product.
Yes, you might think out of the box.
Yes, you have secured your first round of funding.
But (there is always a but, isn’t there), you need to set the tone of your brand. Not only in front of your customers, but also the investors, the partners and other ancillary associates.
Why is Content Important for Start-Ups?
Most of you might have heard the proverb- ‘Content is King’.
What most of you might not be aware of is who had coined this proverb. Microsoft Founder, and one of the richest men in the world, Bill Gates had written a seminal article in 1996 entitled “Content Is King.”
How your brand communicates is going to set the mood for how you communicate your-
· Brand Virtues
· Brand Principles
· Brand Philosophy
Let us be clear, we are not just talking about content that might be on your website. We are talking about all forms of content-
· Social Media Content
· Blog Section (website)
· Press Releases
· Content Marketing (guest posting, link building and blogger outreach)
· ATL Advertising (hoardings, banners, leaflets, cut-outs, etc.)
For start-ups, which are always constrained in terms of finances, content marketing is important. Unlike big firms, which can get away by pumping in money, start-ups cannot afford to take such risks.
Here the attraction, in addition to the innovative product or service needs to be driven by great content. Think of content as the fuel for your social media and blog section, amongst other things.
Top Content Writing Tips for Start-Ups: The List
1. Invest in a Content Writing Team or Service
No matter how hard you try to write your own content, it is not a good idea. Everyone can write, but not everyone can write SEO friendly creative content. Writing great content is as much a science, as it is an art.
Unless you give due respect and importance to the expertise of content creation, you might not succeed. It is best to set up your own team of writers, or take help from an expert content writing services agency.
2. Use tools to create the Perfect Content
Having grown several start-ups, I understand that prioritising costs is something that we all face. You might not be able to invest in a team at the beginning. However, what you can do is take help from content writing tools to help you or someone doubling up as a writer create content.
Grammarly is a great online software that helps optimise your content. Spellings, punctuations, and sentence construction, Grammarly is quite good. You can also use WordPress’ publishing dashboard to help optimise content for SEO purposes. The Hemingway Editor is another great platform that helps in this regard.
3. Start a Company Blog on your Website
The audience that consumes content online is getting younger by the day. Gone are the millennials, this is the era of Generation Z. This generation wants to know how authentic and real you are. A blog section is necessary for any start-up.
This is where you need to do some serious Inbound Marketing. By helping audiences and displaying your brand’s personality, you can seriously use the blog to-
· Increase engagement and traffic.
· Contribute to SEO and climb Google’s SERPs
· Create a community of loyal customers
· Become an industry authority voice
· Offer Information and Solution
A company blog is probably one of the first things you should set up on your website. The dividends you can reap from this can be quite unimaginable.
4. Set a Tone for your Brand
There is a lot of content online, but most of it is just noise. A start-up needs to establish its own identity and set the tone for what the brand represent. This is where content becomes very important.
People like real things online. Your content should reflect the mood of the brand. Do not be afraid to take stands on social, political and economic issues. Consumers today want brands to take stands and be reflective of their own personalities.
5. Be regular and consistent about your content
Posting once a week on social media, or one blog per week is not a good idea. You need to be consistent and build your content as soon as possible. Remember, you might be competing against brands who have more than 1500 posts already on social media. Not to mention more than 500 articles in their blog section.
Posting consistently and regularly will help you build a steady audience base. Back it up with a great content strategy, and people will be waiting for your content every day. This is how brands grow and flourish online through content.
The Final Word
With the right content and content marketing strategy at their disposal, start-ups can drive traffic, create meaningful engagement and convert visitors into consumers.
The important of great content for any brand cannot be emphasized enough. For start-ups, it becomes even more necessary given the competition and the lack of resources that they might face.
If the great Bill Gates stated, ‘content is king’, he would have surely given it a thought!