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Being an Foodpreneur!!

5 year run with 24 outlets across TN...Many didn't Notice.

Sunday December 04, 2016 , 1 min Read

We, Concepto Delicacies Pvt Ltd had a spree as every Entrepreneurial Firm incorporated in the year 2011 with Chennai as base Location. Floated 2 brands namely KaapiKudil and Eggsclusive. Both are food chains, one to quench the thirst of refreshment and latter focuses on meal alternative solution. 

Both brands are spreading its wings across Corporates, Colleges and now moving to Public gatherings. This 5 year run was possible without any VC pitch or External private equity offers. 

All we did is BOOTSTRAP.. HARD... HARDER... 


1. No matter where you are, you have to sound. Keep creating noise. 

2. Start fast walk before you wish to run, Bootstrappers still do exist to join you. 

3. Focus on Demand . No matter where it lies. Attack at the DEN. 

4. Let your mind be ready to accept the negative growth. Period. We had faced 8 outlet closures. 

5. Limit your TOP management team in initial years. Just because you are buddies no need to have a gang startup. Will go on. Cause every day will result in some learning for an Entrepreneur. 

Good luck !