Maintain monthly household budget
When you talk about monthly expenses, we all say next month …next month..I am going to limit my expenses within the budget. But mostly we brake our budgets by the crazy offers the retail market leaders put forward for their kings. (Customer is King …Really ? ).Retail businesses need to be fast paced and constantly evolving in order to meet and exceed customer expectations. But we being the customers should be sharp enough to balance with expectation to purchasing power. Lets look at some of the ways we can really King
1. Collect Data : Collect your bills last three months , atleast last month.
2. Sort expense data: Filter out unavoidable list of household.
3. Review what you want: Make out genuine needs by looking at previous months credit card bills . Continue to do this often.
4. Park unplanned expenses: You encounter many unplanned expenses during the running budget. Park all such expenses to next month budget or possible later date . Which will help not only to maintain current budget but may also make the expense irrelevant, because your desires will change, as you grow.
5. Select a budget planner : There are many budget planning formats available. Prepare one suitable to your requirement and track it.
6. Local online parter : Online stores near your town can help you. helps people in Kerala to stick to their budgets. You will find that carry items of the same, or better quality, and at better prices than big supermarkets. also assured of freshness if you go to the market. [Visit or Call us : +91 9605042786]
7. Realize your Dreams : Save money on a monthly basis to achieve your short term dreams, whether it's a high end mobile phone, or a holiday.
Shamnad S
Hyshoper online Services