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Business ownership - Taking control of your business and debt effectively

Business ownership - Taking control of your business and debt effectively

Thursday June 08, 2017 , 5 min Read


Owing a business is a challenging but fulfilling way to earn an income. Enjoying success as an entrepreneur involves dedication and hard work. It also depends on certain business principles and qualities that successful business owners share.

The characteristics of effective entrepreneurship are displayed through business principles and daily business operations. These characteristics have a significant impact on an entrepreneur’s decision making process. Keeping key guidelines in mind can help you start a lucrative venture or get your business back on the path to success.

Knowledge and Experience

It is always a good idea to embark on a business that is based on what you know and already have experience in. This experience can be gained through work or developed through a hobby that you can transform into a profitable career.

A business idea may be theoretically profitable but if you are not passionate or enthusiastic about it, you may not be able to achieve your goals. Profit is essential but it should not be the only aspect that drives growth and keeps you moving forward.


Begin with a purpose that is clearly defined because financial benefits are not the only thing that an ambitious entrepreneur should have in mind. Purpose is necessary for setting your business off on the right note and it should go beyond. It could be the desire to develop your community, create jobs, pursue your passion or provide a solution for an existing problem. While business ownership aims for profitability, it is not the only goal you should have for your business.

Get Familiar with your Customer Base

Understanding your customer base is vital before you start your business. Spare some time to carry out market research in order for you to learn know about the industry and your customers. You need to consider who is most likely to invest in your product or service and identify the best ways to attract customers.

Start Small

The business model that you begin with should be relatively easy for you to set up and run on a manageable budget. Many business owners make the mistake of starting with grand goals that require investors and capital that they do not have access to. A successful business that is based on a small-scale model shows investors that your business has the potential to make money, which increases the likelihood of attracting investment.

Financial Management

Debt is easily acquired but getting rid of it is not a simple task. There are various steps that can help you get out of a difficult financial situation. You can prevent your debts from crippling your business by raising money and paying off as much as you can within a reasonable period of time.

• You need to be willing to understand how you end up in situations that interfere with your financial stability. This will enable you to implement a range of strategies to cut costs, prioritize payments and raise extra funds.

• Once you have the situation under control, you can focus on running your business after diagnosing and treating the causes that led to your financial challenges.

• Before you borrow any funding for your business, make sure you have a clear estimate of your costs and choose a financing option that works for you.

• Develop the habit of maintaining detailed records of all expenses and revenue. Knowing when money comes and goes will make it easier for you to spot financial problems before they spiral out of control.

Cash Flow

Profit is one of the top goals but it is not the main objective in the initial stages of starting and running a business. You need to emphasize on cash flow because several businesses end up running out of funds before they get the chance to make a profit. Focus on operational costs and sales initially instead of profit that you may not be able to generate until later.

Networking and Support

A critical component of being a successful business owner is being able to admit when you need to seek help. You can get advice and guidance from other business owners, associated and professionals who have similar goals. Network with knowledgeable people who can share ideas and keep you motivated. Take advantage of online resources that provide useful information and business tips. Make sure that you gather this type of information from reliable sources.


Finding a good mentor who has experience with running business successfully can be highly beneficial. Mentors can help you in various ways ranging from financial advice to giving you tips on how to manage your staff. An experienced individual has knowledge that can help you on a personal and professional level.


Primary operations should be the main area of focus rather than trying to grab each business opportunity that you come across. Being good in one thing is preferable to handing ten different things in a mediocre way. This is applicable to making efforts to diversify or deal with additional projects. Focusing enables you to channel your resources effectively and be as productive as possible.