5 reporting traits must have for covering top news headlines of India
Being a journalist is a challenging job, you have to leave your comfort zone to excel in this profession or covering top news headlines of India. Honesty and curiosity are the two important attributes of a good journalist.
Being a report is not easy, and it a bit complex when you are living in a diverse country like India. Switch on to any news channels or go to any news website you will find at least one interesting news about India. There are tons of news portals and channels that telecast international news stories and top news headlines of India and its backbone are news reporters. Being a news reporter is one of the toughest and risky jobs to do, but if you are passionate to pursue your career as a reporter then you must have these traits.

5 Reporting Traits Must Have for Covering Top News Headlines of India
You should know more than one language:
As I said, “ to be a good reporter in India”, it is very important that you should be multilingual, I am not saying that you should be a polyglot who speaks 4-5 languages but you should at least know 3 languages, i.e English, Hindi and a regional language. For covering all the top news headlines of India you must know 3 languages.
Knowledge base:
A journalist should have a great interest in the history as well as current events. You cannot do research without having a knowledge about past and present of the ongoing news story. Without having a sound knowledge base you cannot put the news as per the viewer's perspective.
Created sources:
For a reporter, having strong sources is very important. A reporter is largely dependent on his/her sources, establish a strong source base in your region. This is the most reliable way to get the latest updates about a story.
Excellent interviewing skills:
Having the best interview skill means you should follow the first point which I have mentioned above, you should know what to ask and how to ask. And you should also have an ability to draw the information from others, this will be very helpful when you are interviewing a celebrity or a politician.
The acute sense of timing:
This trait cannot be taught in a few days, putting the right thing at the right time is a skill which develops gradually. Whether it is a latest bollywood entertainment news or a political news, your should know that how many words you will need to fill a minute, what should be your first sentence when you are going live.
Journalism, whether it for a news website or a tv channel, require the same amount of dedication and effort. A journalist should always be ready to find the facts and should always strive to reveal the truth which is deliberately hidden from the public.