Writing in respect for all housewives of India
Dedicating to all moms,daughters and sisters

A lot is said and written about women upheaval in India, but I could believe that it’s the individual women’s perception of things that can change the quality of life of women lives in India. It’s when she can seave in the positivity amongst all the negatives that India gives to its women in becoming creative. Every woman in India is doing something she is not ideal. Why housewives don’t work. The majority of husbands in India are lucky enough that they don’t have to sleep hungry every night. Because their wives are doing a divine work of blessing them with food.
A woman at a party asked me what are you doing? I said I am a housewife, she replied- oh! You are doing nothing. That the situation. A housewife is an as good hard worker and a planner as any professional, it’s only that she doesn’t get paid. Every Indian housewife works at the cost of no worth of work and mental exhaustion of insecurities of not having freedom of doing things her way both financially and morally. In order to overcome this insecurity made me learn a lesson. I got inspired by a housewife.
I can say today most of the males with the compulsion to run their family, are put through the inevitable abuses of cut through competition in the job market. To take it positively we women are blessed in disguise of being protected from the journey of the Rat race. With this blessing, we are allowed to mature into speaking trees where there is scope for withering and regenerating. Today I am going to talk about a lady who takes pride in being a housewife- a tree that speaks about her journey in becoming a self-made – theme cake maker.
The story- not being allowed to pursue her further studies she was always with an urge to make it bigger. She had learned to enjoy her journey with all her imperfections. Being in a compulsion for a regular visit to her in-law’s place, she visited but as the destiny had planned something else for her she came across a lucky mascot who guided her for trying hands on a professional cake making course. And with a knack for cooking, she exploited the situation. She learned the art of making professional confectioneries. And its implementation came easily to her. As Indian ladies have that inborn knack of socializing and gossiping, that helped her in creating awareness of her art of making cakes. She started getting orders from her chains of friends and groups in her society. Technology also didn’t stop her she started being active on Facebook and Whatsapp in order to create awareness and get some feedback. That helped her. But making cakes was not a cakewalk- she got completion’s from many branded retail bakery outlets nearby her society. Which were lucrative substitutes of her home made cakes? Her orders started receding she was bit taken aback. But that didn’t stop her. With the fire of her passion burning, she came up with an innovative idea of – theme cakes. Where she came up with custom made cakes suiting the purpose of her clients. Her cakes were like colorful portraits of arts of their clients need on the canvas, which they enjoyed indulging in. And with her constant improvising with her art, she has managed to land on opening a bakery of her own. Today it’s the journey of a housewife made colorful with the blend of colors of cakes.
I got inspired to follow my passion of writing and becoming independent from a housewife. Today things have changed for me, I am supported in cooking by my husband while I am writing. Thus to all women of India – take it with a stride. No matter what worse situation may it be India still breeds in the scope for creativity for women.