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What is the cloud and why it is important?

Cloud is basically the Internet or a network of servers. Using cloud computing means storing and accessing data and programs in the virtual platform instead of your computer’s hard drive. Cloud computing can be accessed from anywhere and anytime.

What is the cloud and why it is important?

Tuesday August 14, 2018 , 2 min Read

Network-based computing originated in the 1960s and first use of “cloud computing” was coined first time in 2006.

Cloud computing has been introduced in the opensource when the bandwidth of the internet was increased significantly due to high-speed internet connectivity was introduced. The term cloud computing became popular when companies like Amazon, Microsoft, and IBM started using these technologies.

Cloud computing courses are gaining importance in recent years. The industry is shifting towards cloud technologies hence the demand for professionals with cloud computing certification has increased.

Enrolling in Cloud computing training may be a wise decision to pursue a prospective career in cloud technologies for both students and working professionals.

How does it work?

Everyone is a file stored in the Cloud is stored in a server in the array of data centers spread across the globe. It’s impossible to get the precise location of the data, as organizations use multiple servers’ locations around the world. The users can access these stored files using internet connection

Why is the cloud important?

The Cloud enables the users to either run applications on a virtual platform and these applications may not be required to be downloaded as they consume large space in the system hard drive.

The advantages of Cloud storage are many some of them are

• Flexibility

• Easily accessible data from any device

• Better backup

• Secure platform

IIHT is the pioneer IT training institute providing training for cloud computing courses through its qualified centers across the globe. <br>

IIHT is the pioneer IT training institute providing training for cloud computing courses through its qualified centers across the globe.