Self-care strategies for stressed out single moms
Being a mom is a very honorable yet stressful job, especially when you’re a single mom. You’re burning the candle at both ends all while trying to make ends meet. Moms are notorious for taking care of everyone around them, but who takes care of mom?
Sometimes, moms need to take time to take care of themselves so that they can be the best they can be. It’s not uncommon for moms to think that taking care of them is selfish and time consuming, but in reality, it’s a life saver. Try some of the following self-care strategies when you feel stressed out.
1. Self-Care Strategies for Your Inner Self
These are strategies that take care of your emotional well-being. It’s true that when you’re emotionally healthy other areas in your live thrive. Your relationships with your children, extended family, and co-workers all benefit from a healthy emotional state. You’ll first want to turn off any distractions such as your phone.
Find a way to distract the kids if necessary so that you can have the time you need for yourself. Here are some ways to care for your inner self:
Prayer or meditation. Take time to search your soul.
Journaling is another way to search your soul and release emotions.
Read self-care books or books you enjoy reading. Head to the library to find one you’d like to read.
Join a support group.
Create a vision board of the goals you want to achieve in the next few years.
Create a mission statement that reflects your values and purpose as a mom.
Do a craft you enjoy.
Take a class to learn a new, fun skill.
Make a list of all the things you are thankful for even down to the most minute detail.
Pamper yourself by having a “spa day.” You can do this in the comfort of your own home if you know for sure you won’t be interrupted. If you can’t guarantee peaceful privacy, see if a trusted friend can take the kids for a couple of hours while you take time for yourself. If that’s not an option, take time when the kids are asleep in bed.
2. Self-Care Strategies for Your Outer Self
These strategies help to care for your physical well-being. When mom is sick, the world falls apart, so take time to care for your physical side as well. What’s great about these ideas is they can be done alone or with your kids, and you still get the same results. Try some of these ideas:
Exercise. This is a no-brainer, but think about ways you can exercise with and without your kids. Go play at a park by swinging, running, playing catch. Walk, ride bikes around the neighborhood. Find an exercise group for moms and kids. Everyone can benefit from spending time exercising.
Create a healthy recipe just for your enjoyment. It’s up to you whether you share it with your kids or not.
Learn new makeup tricks and try new hairstyles.
Go swimming. Swim laps, play water games with your kids that gets your heart pumping.
Take one morning a week to sleep in just a little later or take a nap when the kids nap.
Find a new way to wear an old outfit.
3. Self-Care Strategies for Your Social Self
Yes, it’s just as important to take care of your social self as anything else. This is your support system, your people who understand you and your situation. It’s important that you take care of that system because everyone needs support sometime in their lives. If you’re not sure how to make that support system, here are some ideas that might help:
Find a great playgroup or create one for yourself. This is where you’ll be able to connect with people who are in the same boat as you. Your children can play with their children while you socialize with the moms. This is especially helpful when you feel like you’re alone in the world. You’ll understand that there are others who are going through similar things as a mom.
Attend church. You’ll be able to socialize with adults while your children are in classes for their age groups while meeting spiritual needs as well.
If not a church, find a support group like I mentioned before. See if you can find one that has childcare so that you don’t have to worry about what your kids are doing.
Through the support group or church group, you might be able to find a babysitter that meets your needs while you go out with friends for an occasional night on the town or dinner out.
Being a mom is a super tough job. Moms tend to take better care of others than they do themselves. It’s important to remember that taking care of yourself makes you a better mom because you’re healthy, happy, supported, and stress free.