How good is SNAP as an MBA entrance examination?
It’s a tricky task to decide as to which MBA entrance exam needs to be cracked by one in order to fulfill their soaring career aspirations. The task gets a lot tougher with different colleges and universities advertising and promoting their own MBA entrance exams and courses with each passing day. In situations such as these, students become highly unsure of which tests to take and which ones to skip. To help you find your way out of this dilemma, we are here to discuss the Symbiosis National Aptitude Test, a highly coveted MBA entrance exam 2017 ! Keep reading further to know more!
What is this year’s SNAP test like?
The most important aspect of this year’s SNAP test is that it will be entirely held online. This development essentially puts this online test for MBA entrance in the same league as that of the CAT and XAT tests, both of which have done away completely with the traditionally used pen-and-paper mode of taking tests since quite some time now. As a result, taking the SNAP test too has become a whole lot simpler in comparison to the way it used to be taken previously. Set at a “medium” difficulty, the test is somewhat easier to crack in comparison with the CAT and the XAT tests. This brings forth a whole new gamut of opportunities for all of the leaders and managers in the making.
What is the registration process for SNAP like?
The MBA entrance exam 2017 application form would be accessible entirely via an online registration process. This ensures a far greater degree of comfort and convenience for students in the otherwise time consuming task of test registrations. This is because it is now possible for everyone to register for the SNAP test right from the cozy confines of their home or office itself.
How many test cities have been selected for SNAP?
The one highlight of the SNAP test is the increasing number of test cities each year. This particular practice has been continued this year as well with a total number of 102 test cities all across India being made available for students this time. The idea behind this is to make this test accessible to a large number of students throughout the country so that nobody misses out on their opportunity to be a part of the highly reputed Symbiosis management courses.
Which institutes can one apply for after cracking SNAP?
One of the best reasons to take the SNAP test is that cracking it gives you the opportunity to enter into 23 postgraduate programmes across 15 of Symbiosis’ topmost management institutes throughout the country. This presents the greatest of opportunities for students looking to become future leaders or managers.
We hope you found this write-up about the SNAP 2017 test useful. We wish you the very best of luck in joining the top business schools in India!