Discontentment at your workplace? – here is what you can do
You struggle to get up; get dressed and step out the house. There is nothing to look forward in the day at your workplace. There are no exciting challenges to take care of and you suddenly find yourself submerging in the feeling of discontentment.

We all are aware of that disappointing feeling at workplace when all that you feel like is running away. There is no motivation left to hold on. Has it happened to you too?
Well, if this sounds familiar then here is how you need to handle it gracefully.
1. Talk it out – No, don’t talk about it simply to anyone in your colleagues. Find out one trustworthy friend and try venting it. Perhaps there is some issue that is bothersome which could be the root cause of this discontentment. Talk it out and accept the suggestions. Often, change in the perspective can help you out. Venting out your issues could open the window to avail a different perspective.
“I couldn’t adjust when my management changed. The style of working of my new manager was contradictory to how my old manager worked. Initially, it causes discomfort and I was in denial state. However, soon I talked about it to my new manager and she understood where the loopholes are.” – Maria Smith
2. Communicate to your manager – Perhaps a lack of challenges or change in the responsibilities is causing the discontentment. In such cases, it is best to discuss it with your manager on a friendly note. He or she can further make you meet some challenging responsibilities which would help you get rid of the discontentment. But, do it only if you are in good terms with your manager and have faith that he or she would understand.
3. Job change – This option is considered especially when you feel all the growth opportunities presented to you by the organisation are availed. You can look for the job change and search for the job that suits your requirement majorly. However, go through this option only when you are sure that you are looking for growth and your resume appears stable.
4. Is it your manager? – Perhaps, the job, the colleagues and everything is fine but your manager isn’t. There could be cases that you are facing work pressure and mental harassment that is making you prone to discontentment. Asking you do tasks that don't belong to your profile can cause a heavy disappointment. Watch that out carefully.
“Being an accountant by profession I faced a major discontentment in just 4 months of my job. I felt something is wrong with me and perhaps my career choice was wrong. But, that’s not the case and I figured it out later. Today, I am working as an accountant in an organisation since last 5 years and I love my job.” – Bob D’Souza
5. Get away from negativity – There are times when it isn’t the job that causes discomfort but the colleagues and rest of the environment. Hence, it is best to figure it out and get away from the negativity as far as possible.
Over the period of time since we all are humans the usual feeling of discontentment is bound to occur. However, it is best that you analyse the root cause and act upon it by conveying it politely.