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Free Promotion of your Business on Facebook

Sunday February 26, 2017 , 1 min Read

#1-Create your Facebook page

A Facebook page is for brands and business and you can easily promote your business here.

#2-Run Facebook contests

Through Facebook contest you can grow your audience and engage your followers easily.

#3-Post regularly

Facebook users need to see that you are posting interesting material regularly and this will help build connect.

#4-Use pictures and videos

Photos and videos are the most shared and talk about posts on Facebook.

#5-Offer free coupon and discount offers

This helps in motivating your Facebook followers and more Facebook users will be motivated to follow your page.

#6-Engage actively with users

People love to talk with real people and share theirs opinion and views about your business.

#7-Join Facebook groups

You can join Facebook groups from your personal account where your target audience is likely to be found.

#8-Increase Facebook page reviews and ratings

Facebook users trust online reviews and your Facebook page ratings and these things helps in establishing credibility for your business and page.