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7 tips to select the best PPC keyword tool in 2018 (SEMRush vs. Google Keyword Planner vs. UberSuggest)

7 tips to select the best PPC keyword tool in 2018 (SEMRush vs. Google Keyword Planner vs. UberSuggest)

Wednesday April 04, 2018 , 7 min Read

The basic foundation of search engine optimization is keyword research. Further on, other factors like content quality, on-page optimization, and user-friendly site interface come into the picture. Many organizations tend to invest thousands to millions of dollars in paying for keyword research, getting the targeted content.


However, you don’t necessarily have to do that.

The keywords you choose to focus on your SEO efforts are important to the success of your website’s rank, and selecting the right ones is not always an easy task. You need a lot of data to know whether a given keyword would work for you.

Aspects of the best PPC keyword tool 

Pay-Per-Click keyword tools can help you create new PPC keywords in various combinations while collecting competitor’s keyword ideas for implementation. The system also allows users to discover intersecting keywords in different groups and add them as negatives to avoid competing ad groups.

However, which tool to go for and why to utilize for occasional use usually depends on individual choice. The following tips will allow you to ensure that you choose the best PPC tools, and have a positive impact on your overall campaign objectives.

1. Popularity and usage details 

Wouldn’t it be a great idea if you could discover keywords and the names of the leading competitors who use keywords in their marketing campaigns? Once you get the hang of their renowned landing pages and the ad copy messages in them, it becomes easier for you to form AdGroups with a compelling message and high CTA. Make sure your keyword tool has the provision for it.

2. Group keyword into niches 

As an online marketer, you can arrange keywords in separate niche groups, analyze them as per the requirements and discover new spheres to take over without using any excel based repository. Make sure to get a PPC tool that helps you segregate keywords in batches, providing you with relevant AdGroup ideas for saving time and resources.

3. Generating keywords in multiple languages 

In case you are managing multilingual websites, you have to select a particular language for PPC campaigns. Your keyword research tools should support whatever language your consumers speak.

4. Specificity 

‘Keyword’ is the causal buzzword that gets tossed around in the business world, but what you are really after in most cases are keyword phrases. For instance, a real estate attorney in Austin, Texas would gain minimal benefit from ranking highly on the single word ‘attorney.’ However, specific keyword phrases like ‘Austin real estate lawyer’ based on the specialty and geography would yield highly targeted traffic.

5. Regional and multinational keywords 

Does your current tool allow you to develop keywords base on national, regional, local as well as multinational business strategies and traffic data? Whether you adopt a global marketing strategy or target regional customers, the PPC tool should be able to provide you with appropriate keywords for each region.

6. Formatted reports 

Whatever research findings you can generate should be easily accessible and shareable amongst clients or peers for further data analysis. Make sure your keyword tool provides you with all reporting features and graphical dashboard views for specific campaign audits. The PPC tool should be able to bring together the functionalities of multiple tools, such as Excel files and online key editors.

7. Dynamic searches 

An advanced keyword search helps locate intersecting keywords in different AdGroups and adds them in negatives, avoiding the groups ending up in the competitive rivalry. These are only some of the day to day functions that can be automated and augmented by a keyword tool.

SEMRush vs. Google Keyword Planner vs. UberSuggest 

To make the search task more straightforward, there are tools such as SEMrush, Google Keyword Planner, and UberSuggest which will scrape off all suggestions from Google searches for the user.


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SEMRush is not a typical keyword tool since it offers so much more than just researching keywords. Unlike other programmes where you need to add seed phrases to start your research, here you only need to add your URL, and it will show you all of the keywords that are ranking for that particular website.

This makes it easier for the users to find short-tail and long-tail keywords that you can beat out and target your competition.

You can receive in-depth details on:

- Traffic stats

- AdSense CPC

- Search engine reports

- Other details you need while managing an SEO campaign

SEMRush is a highly recommended product. 

- Google Keyword Planner

Google is the best place to start keyword research. The Keyword Planner is designed solely for advertising, but you can use it to research organic phrases by customizing your results for one or more of your competitors.

Enter your service or product code, your competitor’s landing page, and product category. Next, customize your search for certain kinds of keywords.


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With Google Keyword Planner, you can:

- Get traffic forecasts for a list of keywords

- Get search volume for a list of keywords

- Multiple keyword lists for new keyword ideas

- Search for new ad group ideas

Users should pay close attention to keyword and ad group ideas, as both can help with search engine optimization. An ad group contains a set of related keywords that might should up in the general keyword niche. Keep a check on the average monthly searches, competition and other valuable metrics to determine all the relevant keywords to target.

In case you plan on conducting a PPC and SEO search together, Keyword Planner can assist you in determining which keywords are better targeted organically or with advertising. 

- UberSuggest 

Ubersuggest is a free keyword tool, with the website branding itself as an alternative to Google’s keyword planner. UberSuggest offers various keyword results not available in Google’s Keyword Planner.

UberSuggest uses real-time data from Google so that you have more focus phrases to choose from for your online blog posts.

Why You Should Use UberSuggest

- UberSuggest contains a word cloud to help you visualize the keywords. Visual learners should enjoy this view.

- Google Trends is available as part of the tool. By knowing trends, you can choose better keywords that have a high search volume.

- UberSuggest is free to use.

- The tool can be used quickly. It takes mere seconds for the website to generate a list of focus keyword phrases. Also, unlike other keyword tools, you don’t necessarily have to sign in to UberSuggest. You don’t even need to take the time to make a separate account.

- You can use UberSuggest for as often as you want since it has no limitations like other keyword tools. 

How to Use UberSuggest

Let’s see how users can find a keyword phrase or focus keyword.


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Next, you need to decide what you’re looking for. Click on the drop-down menu under Web. Your choices would be YouTube, Shopping, News, and Images. Janice Wald, the author at Mostly Blogging, kept the choice at Web since she was looking for interest in the web in her topic. 

A guest author on Wald’s blog, Mostly Blogging, called his post ‘’8 Things You Need to Know for Monetizing Instagram.” For this piece, Wald checked ‘monetizing Instagram.’ Click on the ‘view as text’ option, and you will be able to copy-paste these or export them to a CSV file.

Notice how the keywords in the pictorial above are listed in alphabetical order underneath.

The fourth step is to click on the keyword phrase that relates to your content the most. Wald clicked on ‘Monetizing Instagram.’ 

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Notice how a drop-down menu appeared. Wald wanted to know if people were interested in her keyword phrase, so she clicked on Google Trends.


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You can alter the period in which you are viewing the SEO data since the interest in monetizing social media seems to be creeping back up. If there are not many searches, bigger blogs might not go after the term on the internet, and the field will be wide open for you to get the search traffic.

The last step involves clicking the Word Cloud tab which will enable you to see your potential keywords from a different perspective. You can combine these to generate long tail keywords related to your LSI keywords and topic.