Getting Nobel for India
We need a new model of education
We can never change existing situation with tools that are already out there. In order to bring fresh transformation, a completely new model is required. There are few American and European universities where we see parking slots for Nobel laureates . And in our nation we are going through a drought-like situation when it comes to research and development.
There are two types of nations. One that innovates while the others are followers of that progress. We are still in second category. To propel our nation into a role of creators, we need to change the way we educate out gen-next. There is no dearth of talent in India. We fail on a front where the thrust to this intellect is necessary.
Our modern education follows a clerical culture. If we look at ancient times, the way we used to educate young ones was thoroughly activity based. The outcome of that could be seen with gigantic advancements in areas of Astronomy, Physics, Mathematics, Chemistry, Yoga, Ayurveda and what not. The same approach is need of time. The transformation I would like to suggest will come through experiential learning.
If we inculcate habit of hands on education, it will take no time for Indian talent to lead the world. I dream a day when Indian brands and products would be used worldwide with craze, our innovations would lead the humanity in that future.
One of the most efficient model could be teachers orientation workshops. If we succeed in equipping them with suitable teaching aids, we can accelerate the process. A holistic use of information-communication technology have potential to bring the desired transformation.
To make it happen, we have to start now. There is necessity to enhance our teaching methods, our classroom practices. The culture of activity based education should reach at towns and village levels as well. Because test of our progress is not when we add to those plates which are full, but when we serve those who have little. Two third of our country lives in suburbs. So we must start from grass root level.