10 Tips to help you keep going when you start your fitness journey
There is no question that being able to maintain your motivation during your fitness journey is a very difficult thing to achieve.
This is the reason why so many “miracle” products are sold to people who buy into the unrealistic fantasy of achieving substantial results with no effort.
People in general expect to be able to achieve their fitness goals effortlessly and that is the biggest issue that keeps them from reaching their goals.
In this article, we are going to be talking about some of the most useful tips that are going to help you keep going when you start your fitness journey.
1-Take before and after pictures
Nothing is going to make you feel a stronger sense of accomplishment quite like taking before and after pictures of your body.
If you start a fitness journey, you will see amazing results the longer you stick to it. This is the reason why being able to keep a journal with photos of your progress is going to be so useful.
We recommend taking pictures every 60 days because this is going to allow your body to have enough time to show substantial results and keep you motivated.
2-Remember that you will strengthen your willpower
If there is one thing that makes successful people different it’s the fact that they have a very healthy and strong willpower that allows them to get the kind of results they expect.
It’s important to understand that willpower is like a muscle, even when you can’t see or touch willpower, it needs to be exercised and flexed often in order for the best results to be possible.
The more you expose yourself to difficult situations and see them through, the easier it is to achieve amazing results in every project or task you engage in your lifetime.
3-Don’t forget that you will feel better about your appearance
This is an extremely important part of fitness because we all like to feel confident and happy about the way we look.
It has nothing to do with being shallow. It has been proven that we can get amazing results out of looking better because this is going to show a much higher level of confidence in every aspect of our lives.
People are more likely to respond in a positive way to those who display a very high level of confidence, so remember this every time you feel like quitting your fitness goals.
4-Think about how you will inspire others
Being able to inspire others is definitely one of the best things that people can do in life. This is a very rewarding feeling because you know you are helping others achieve a better life just like you did.
If you can inspire others by radically changing your appearance through fitness, you will gain a strong sense of accomplishment that is going to have a very positive effect in your life.
Never forget that inspiration is everywhere and being able to turn into the source of inspiration to others is always going to be a great way to stay motivated.
5-Find your own source of fitness inspiration
While inspiring others is a great source of motivation, being inspired by someone else is going to be just as useful. Always try to look for a way to maintain a source of inspiration that is going to make you feel motivated when you are on the verge of quitting.
Look for a fitness story that is full of obstacles and always have that person’s journey in your mind when things get tough. Having a source of inspiration that is related to your goals is important.
6-Find inspiration in those you love
We just mentioned finding a fitness source of inspiration, but you also need to find inspiration in those you love.
When you have any serious fitness obstacles, think of your loved ones and remember that being healthy and fit is going to help you provide a better life for those you love.
Never forget that someone else depends on our and people who care about you want to see you succeed and be healthy.
7-Remember the consequences of an unhealthy lifestyle
Some people don’t seem to see the importance and the relevance of fitness because they immediately think it’s all about big muscles and flat abdominal muscles. The truth is that fitness is bout much more than that. Being fit is your ticket to a happy and productive life. The last thing you want is to become one of those people who are able to become financially success, but their poor health makes their life miserable due to constant medical exams, medication and even surgery.
8-Set realistic goals
One of the fastest ways to feel lack of motivation is to set unrealistic goals when it comes to fitness. It’s realistic to consider losing one or two pounds each week, but it’s unrealistic to think that you will lose 20 to 30 pounds in just a couple of months without doing more harm than good to your body.
Educate yourself about fitness and about how your body works and you will be able to achieve incredible results.
9-Use fitness applications
There are many fitness apps available that are meant to help you keep track of your progress but they are also going to keep you motivated. I can suggest workout app and my fitness pal as two of the most useful, but there are plenty of choices out there that can be perfect for your needs and most of them are entirely free of charge.
Just type fitness apps on your operating system’s shop and browse around to see what kind of options you have.
10-Find other people with similar fitness goals
Being able to find a support group of people who are also interested being as fit as they can be, would be great. They are going to help you stay motivated when you feel uninspired and you will motivate them when they are feel like quitting. It works both ways and it creates a support group between all of those involved.
You could also start a fitness group in your favorite social media platform and that way you could all get involved and stay motivated with images videos and by sharing experiences during your individual journeys.
Final thoughts
Staying motivated on your fitness journey is going to be an extremely important and helpful thing because it will allow you to achieve new heights and become a much stronger individual in every aspect of your life. Don’t forget that fitness is a very powerful thing that goes far beyond the aesthetical results you get from your efforts.
Life is all about achieving as much as you can during your time in this world, but you need to take care of your body if you want to be able to have the energy and the drive that you need in order to succeed in life. Being fit brings a large number of advantages with is and staying motivated to achieve those fitness goals is going to be crucial for a happier life.