The benefits of enterprise search in the healthcare industry
A unique search driven approach to improve the Healthcare qualities and business performance by analyzing the unstructured data in Health care Industry.
Any complex questions are to be easily and quickly answered using unique search-driven approach. Accessing right information can impact lives. Now and in the future leverage the tremendous search and performance capabilities of Enterprise search information platform so that solutions can be built that connect people to the information they want. This intelligent indexing consolidates and interrelate content from multiple repositories and avoid moving all those content into a centralized repository, with a single user interface, users can access content from various sources that includes configured facet to navigate and filter search results. It’s a Universal Search tool within the enterprise which is secured with high performance that maps information process (data mapping) and categories. Visually previews the metadata depending on type of hit.
The Need
Hundreds of thousands documents are stored in various repositories with various needs and technical abilities, it clears that health care professional needs to quickly search and filter critical information from multiple sources. This information can be patient care policies, procedures, and medical records of the patient, reference tools, and forms or for a condition/procedure. Health care professional looking for the benefits information and personal policies, safety and emergency management professional etc. The need for unified search environment which is easy to use with common thinking.

The Benefits
# Reduce the challenges associated with duplicate and outdated data.
# Protects and Supports the proactive regulatory compliance and private culture.
# Optimize knowledge sharing for health caring professionals which supports the highest quality patient care.
# Clinical Decision support
# Clinical Quality improvement
# Refine questions and obtain independently actionable information.
# Search and Analytics through a simple, intuitive interface, you already know how to use.
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