How Cloud Computing And Security Is Turning Out To Be Vital For Startups?
Tuesday March 21, 2017 , 4 min Read
Google defines the term "Cloud Computing" as the practice of using a network of remote servers hosted on the Internet to store, manage, and process data, rather than a local server or a personal computer. Uh... what? This is something that a lot of people might not understand in one go, so to break it down, we explain cloud computing as means to sharing resources with various other computers over a local connection or the internet. Whenever cloud computing comes into play, we need to take care of the security as well. Everyone is moving to the internet and it can be a dangerous place to keep the information. We need to be careful while sharing the data with other online.
Okay, this is great stuff, but, why are we talking about cloud computing? Why not some tips that can help you grow your business or kick start your startup? Don't worry, because today we are going to share a weapon that almost each and every company and a successful startup is using for their benefits. And yes, that would be cloud computing. Gmail, Twitter, Dropbox, Google Drive etc., all these are examples of cloud computing services and we all use these on a daily basis and these huge conglomerates and startups use these daily as well. The difference is in the usage. Companies use it to sell, maintain and grow their market, while we use it to use these companies' services.
Let's look at how these "cloud computing" and "Security" can help your startup:
1.) Social Sites:
In this age and day, if you want to be successful and want to expand your business or get more exposure, it is mandatory to be on the internet. And what would be a better place than social sites to start your marketing. Social sites connect tons of people from all over the world and you are getting exposure everywhere. Even if you're based in India, your name can be known to some person sitting in America, Australia or more. Social sites have emerged as a life saver and an amazing tool for growth hacking while keeping it all free. There are options to pay and promote, but you can get the job done by yourself for free.
2.) Remote Employee:
By using the internet and its amazing feature of cloud computing, you can hire people from different locations, without having to worry about the traditional office's spaces and those boring and dull office cubicles. A lot of companies have started remote hiring and they utilize the power of cloud applications like Google's Hangouts, Discord, Microsoft's Skype and much more such applications to hold meetings from time to time.
3.) Accepting Payments in Various Currencies:
There are various payment gateways available online that enables you to accept payments from various countries. You don't have to worry about the technical aspects, there are various tutorials and guides on the internet to help you set things up.
4.) Getting Constant Feedback:
Whether you are providing a service or a product, feedback is the most important aspect that helps you improve and grow. Doing this manually, asking your each and every customer separately about their experience can be a hassle. There are various platforms like Google Forms and zen desk to keep track of issue tickets, feedbacks etc. and they even generate beautifully detailed graphs about everything. Cool, isn't it?
5.) No Need to Worry About Data Storage:
Cloud has various services where you can literally tons of amount of data without worrying about its integrity. All the data servers are interconnected to each other and have tons of space to save and protect a companies' data. All the data saved is heavily encrypted and kept away from any kind of data tampering. Plus, there is data backup option as well, where that data company keeps backups of your data and keep it for emergency cases.
The Internet has a lot to offer to all the businesses and startups and it can increase any company's potential drastically. Cloud computing is a part of the internet and has various options for the entrepreneurs to choose from. If you haven't moved on to the internet and if you're not using any of these amazing services offered by Cloud Computing, then you are definitely missing out on tons of great opportunities for your company. Give cloud computing and internet a try and you'll never regret it.
This article has been contrubuted by Pramod Gulati, Manager at LegalRaasta , an online services such as income tax return filing, TDS return filing, GST Registration etc.