Common web design traps and how to avoid them
The growth of your business depends upon your website design as it plays the most important role in making or breaking your brand image in digital world.
1. Correct navigation
Add clear and enough information like contact number, business email etc on your website, it will help to increase customer trust.
2. Have a clear vision
Functions of all the elements in your website must be clear and convey necessary information through different styling and highlights.
3. Pop up windows and enough buttons
Necessary popup windows and back buttons should be provided to provide conformation for their actions which will help to save our potential clients.
4. Poor legibility and readability
User interface must attract the users, for that text must be readable with valuable information. Color schemes should make reading easy.
5. Slow sites
Long website loading time may be a strong reason for visitors to leave the site. To reduce this timing, optimize the size of graphics, images and remove irrelevant plugins. Speedy websites will automatically highlight in SEO services.
6. Use of multiple colors
Set some primary colors to express your website pleasantly. Try to choose colors to mingle with your logo. Use of multiple colors may affect your website reputation.
7. Poor quality photos
Images are the major concern to attract the uses, hence try to add high quality images to increase over all user experience.