What you need to succeed is a belief that you can
What it takes to perform beyond your limits? It is a process called “Mindshift”. It is a process of believing your instincts that you can, that what you dream can come before you, that nothing in life is unachievable provided you are prepared to meet the next moment of opportunity with the right preparation.
Before I really get started, let me ask you a question. How hard it is for you to achieve things that apparently seem impossible? Seems a challenge even to estimate the depth of it? I firmly believe nothing in life you can dream or imagine about, is unachievable. I am not talking of the very fancy line that says impossible itself says I am possible I am saying so because people have proved it over the years and those who have, world knows them be it Steve Jobs or others.
What it takes to perform beyond your limits? It is a process called “Mindshift”. It is a process of believing your instincts that you can, that what you dream can come before you, that nothing in life is unachievable provided you are prepared to meet the next moment of opportunity with the right preparation. This shift in mindset from not believing in your potential and looking at things as if they are beyond your powers to believing that you are greater than your fears is the science which results in excellence.
By hey listen, you can’t do it in the spur of a moment. This is a slow process and it takes its own time. It is also a practice and you can’t expect to suddenly wake up some very fine day and start believing in your potential and perform like a superstar. This is no magic therapy. It’s a process of self-awareness and training your powers to behave the way you want them. Now that you believe you can, the things you wish and desire won’t come to your knees and beg to be taken. The next important step is the practicing; beating the challenges involved through a small effort consistently put every day. Yes! I said every day. Life of the people you see being featured on televisions and the cover of the newspapers attract us, but it’s their present which is so amazing. Ever tried to peep a little deeper and see how they have been in the past. How they got started and what all it take them to reach where they are? The answer I am sure is no! Human nature is to look at the easy sides. Promise yourself that you can do it, do it not for others, not for fame, power or position but because you have a dream that wakes you up in mornings, hold your sleep in nights and push you to take a step more. If you think, you are excellent and that you have all it takes to make it happen but the thing is, life is too tough for you, your family is too poor to financially support you, you are brilliant but don’t have good teachers, library facilities, name of the college or the worst of all, that nobody is supporting, I would say you have already failed. As an entrepreneur, all that I can say from my experience is, most of the people who make it to the top are the people who drive to make changes and not complain about the things around them.
"If you don’t like it, change it. If you can’t, please keep shut and do not say a word about it"
Every excellent idea faces criticism. Don’t believe me? You should not. Take some time out of your life and see the life of Steve Jobs. Ah! He is so famous. No! Not always his name was taken with this respect and inspiration. In his early days, nobody was even interested to buy his product and all know where he stands today.
I have been around people who give lame excuses that there is nothing new left to be done. Really? Did you ever brainstorm? True that Facebook was not the first Social Networking Site, Apple was not the first computer company, Google was not the first search engine and Flipkart was not the first e-commerce, but they are still the best in their area and excelling in their services. They overcome the problems with the existing systems and presented themselves more creatively. But hey wait! I don’t mean this is every existent. Very soon, somebody smarter than them will take them up but the idea is, if you keep your eyes and ears open you will find possibilities in every little and bits around you. Can you believe there is so much work even in the area of flowering patterns? Yes, people are even curious even about predicting in advance, how many petals a flower would have on maturity. So the possibilities are endless provided you are willing to give your eye and ear open.
Concluding it, I would say if you believe you can, you have already made it from 0 to 1 and to make it to 10, remember, practice EVERYDAY. Anything that you can picture in your brain and heart is possible provided you are willing to make it happen. So when are you taking your next step?