Can humans dream of having more than just "1" career ?
(Inspection begins...)
They say Variety is the spice of life . But can we have more spices in life ? Will the taste of all those spices be sweet ? If yes , will the excess of it make us diabetic ? We”ll find out ( here only , not in higher classes :p)
Arpan Khosla , aged 24 (appearances can be deceptive) has a top notch middle class Btech. story hence he could have easily starred in Chetan Bhagat's fictional autobiography “ Half Engineer “ . Half because he considers writing as his better half. He likes:
1) Technology ( because he's lucky , no time for love )
2) Desperate Rhyming( sona , kona , shona umm...umm…. corona ! Yessssss Phew ! )
3) Getting likes on FB posts ( Hubspot tells him that Fridays get you maximum traction)
4) Fishing for compliments wrt his talent (But ends up fake complimenting the other person in return !)
Speaking to his inner conscience, he confessed “ Yes , I'm unable to do small things ( read Excel , Word , PowerPoint, etc.) , can't do work if it isn't creative ( although definitions vary by my convenience ), inspired by Rich Dad Poor Dad ( have read only 168 pages though ) & I’m not at all a professional(just a personal opinion ).Every work ( if creative ) is worship for me because I truly believe God is one or none. I want to live till 90 , retire from responsibilities at 60 & want to become famous by 28 ( because single people tend to progress more)”
He is often found arguing with his mom about how he can earn with poetry (HAHA) while still doing his frustrating 9- 7 Job ( LOL ), work side by side on his startup while applying for a new job in Digital Marketing ( ROFL ) , Write One act Plays simultaneously ( Floor Just broke ) & finally have a professional Blog (Entire house came down ).
P.S. Almost forgot ! He's good in sports too hence wants to…. ( Reader not breathing)
His Dad daily asks him to grow up & have a defined career path to which replies “ I have only one life so I'll have one career / day as Jeene ke hain chaar din “.
Is he just brain-dead or has something written on his forehead? Doesn't he know that Career isn't Java - you just can't think of everything as a project ! Isn't he aware he has to be known by an onroll designation & not as a freelancer lifelong ? What kind of angel investors can he get if he is demonising his life by making it his venture?
Maybe he's just dreaming too much , or sleeping too less or both . What do you think ? Can humans dream of having more than just “1” career? If yes , then is this your first lesson in shared dreaming ?
( Inception Ends … )