Ex-IITian publishes an e-book for PhD fellows and aspirants across the country
IIT Kanpur alumnus, Tejas Kusurkar self-publishes 'Epiphanies in PhD' on Amazon
PhD. Just the name of this degree brings seriousness into any discussion. It is because people know that the person, who has a PhD, must have gone through one heck of a drill in his/her life. And it is true. People look at PhD just as a higher level degree but in reality it is a lifestyle. Living in PhD changes a person forever. It changes the way how someone perceive real life situations. It increases comprehensive abilities. It helps someone remain calm and maintain efficiency under pressure.
But of course, everything works out well if someone is not frustrated all the time in PhD. And there are many factors bothering PhD life. This book contains 18 chapters representing 18 important factors of PhD life. Each chapter is divided in two parts. First part contains a fictional story based on real life PhD situations. These stories are written in such a way that some readers may find some chapters or incidences similar to their own experiences. And the second part contains my personal opinion about the topic.

Book cover_Epiphanies in PhD by Tejas Kusurkar

Book content_ Epiphanies in PhD by Tejas Kusurkar
People say that “mistakes are the best lessons” or “experience is the best teacher”. But I think in order to learn lessons, one does not need to repeat same mistakes. One can simply learn from other’s experiences/mistakes. When it comes to PhD, students can learn many lessons via proper communication. But word of mouth has its own demerits such as time constrains, recollection, relevance, etc. Perhaps that is why I wrote this e-book to compile some widely discussed PhD lessons so that a reader could have easy access whenever needed.
This e-book is available on Kindle store, Amazon and can also be read using any android phone or iphone with ‘Kindle app’. Click here to go the book.
Wish you a happy PhD.