How relevant is online dating in 2017?
Online dating seems to be a hot topic. You might even have given it some thought. But is this form of hooking up really all it’s cracked up to be? Of course it is.
There are many reasons why people get into dating online. It is so much more convenient than the traditional way of meeting people. You can make instant decisions about the person trying to connect with you: is it worth persevering or do you move on to someone more appropriate? From the convenience of your home - or anywhere else where you happen to have access to the net - you can spend time getting to know all about a potential partner. These connections are much more difficult in the real world.
The great thing about online dating is that it harnesses technology, providing instant messaging and chat room facilities. So many dating sites and apps are springing up, catering for different tastes, offering a diverse range of choices. You can communicate with people using visual media, enabling you to really interact with the person at the other end. There are also as many different dating sites catering for exclusive tastes as there are tastes to be catered for. There are platforms for people to meet long-term partners. Others are aimed at customers searching for one-night stands with no strings attached. There are endless choices depending on individual tastes.
In the increasingly fast-paced contemporary world online dating is more relevant than ever. Many people simply don’t have time to go through the whole rigmarole of getting to know someone by arranging dates or trawling nightspots. But they can certainly find a few moments to sit down in front of a computer or smart device.
Online dating makes it so much easier to be discerning. Within a string of messages you can get idea of someone’s outlook on life. What could be worse than actually meeting up with someone only to discover they hold obnoxious political opinions or have anti-social habits?
Overview of dating sites
Online dating, whether that’s via websites or apps, is welcoming increasingly large numbers of fans. There are so many platforms now, including Tinder, OkCupid, Match.com, PlentyofFish and eHarmony. These command memberships of several millions, with more joining every day. The potential for clicking with someone is mind-boggling.
They are also set up to make it as easy as possible for you to uncover the perfect match by matching your profile to someone appropriate, as well as making it simple to swipe through (or away from) potential partners. Of course, the downside to such convenience is that once you do begin making contact with people you could find you end up with hundreds of messages in your inbox.
So which sites are most relevant and why?
Match.com offers millions of likeminded individuals for you to hook up with. It has different layouts, with both desktop and up sessions, each offering subscription and free singles events. It has been running for some time and has gained a formidable reputation for its excellent management. It also has a very neat design that makes it exceptionally easy to navigate through. Again, the downside with its popularity is the fact that inbox management can become a pain.

The downside of eHarmony is that new users are invited to scroll through a lengthy questionnaire prior to sign-up. You find yourself being grilled, scores of questions at a time, including somewhat dubious ones about whether or not you have devout religious or moral views. Some users regard this as a barrier. Others are adamant that this is necessary to weed out the chancers and time wasters, leaving only the people genuinely looking for a loving relationship.

The site’s greatest asset is the fact that it uses compatibility that really enables you to be matched up someone appropriate. While other sites are fixated on casual encounters, this one advertises itself has been aimed at people seeking meaningful, lasting relationships. This softly approach is perfect for people who are new to online dating and nervous about entering what can seem like a frenetic environment.
Made for the modern dater, Flirt.com is an easy-to-sign-up and easy-to-use platform for meeting singles aged anywhere from “18-78.” Flirt offers subscriptions to men, and free lifetime access to women after confirming their identity, all for the purpose of flirting, chatting and hopefully meeting up in person.

With over 3 million members, PlentyofFish is touted as ‘the UK’s largest dating site’. It offers a free messaging service and enjoys a constant flow of fresh members. A ‘chemistry test’ aims to match users with someone most suited to their own personality, as well as a ‘relationship needs’ service offering dating advice – and the opportunity to create a customized plan for future success.