A digital signature is basically defined as a mathematical way in which a document can be authenticated. In simple terms, it is the process whereby files and documents are authenticated. You may be asking yourself this common question. Are digital signatures authentic? How does this system work?
Are digital signatures authentic?
Authentication has saved the rights of data security in the computer world. The original owners of certain valid documents have had a perfect chance of ensuring that no one has made an attempt to imitate the copies of their creative work. You should take note of the illegalities of certain documents and files. Most of the places whereby one can access illegal files are on the Internet.
There are many ways in which you can practice authentication. The first way in which data can be encrypted is by the enforcement of your user names and passwords. What normally happens after your name and password have been entered is that it checks the entered data against a certain file to confirm whether it is valid or invalid.
The other well defined digital signal method is the use of digital certificates. It is not easy to implement public encryption in the large scale form. This is the reason why digital certificates are used. The digital certificate is a piece of information that states that the web server has been trusted by the Certificate Authority
A suitable digital signature should ensure that there is provision for more than one signature at any given time. Some documents will warrant more than one signature for them to go through and if the digital signature is limited, this could considerably slow down the business effectiveness of your company.
The digital signature should also have the capabilities of being transported to other recipients. This is because for instance, if a document is sent to a third party and they need to verify that the signature is authentic and if it is not readable on their software, it means that it will not be possible for them to access the document.
Simplicity to use is also another key factor that should be taken into account when considering getting a digital-signature. To sign a document, an efficient signature should not take more than two clicks of a mouse nor should it take more than ten seconds. In addition, the security level of the signature should be high, it should have a privacy level that cannot be broken, and when tampered with, it should be able to detect and rise up an alarm. How does it work? When you (who has the private key) want to send a document to someone, you will sign it using that private key. The process is initiated with a mathematical function which occurs and generate a document message digest. You will digitally sign the document message using your private key which is then added to the message.
You will send your original document together with your digital signature on it accompanied by your public key. The receiver validates the document if it actually belongs to you by using the public key which further initiates a signature verification process for authentication. Your hash value from the received message is calculated and compared to the values of your original document and if it matches, it validates your signature.
Digital Signature API
The digital signature API will allow you to digitally sign your documents and request digital signatures without having to leave your corporate site or your app. forgetting about faxing, printing, or scanning. You will not be required to arrange meetings in person or spend more time on deliveries overnight. API will feature an audit log that can allow tracking of the entire process of digital signature in real time.
Digital Signature App
No need for a scanner, printer, fax machine or a pen to assist you in signing and sending essential documents anymore. You can use digital signature app to create a digital signature. The main apps include:
1. ESignly
This is a free eSign software with the ability to provide a customizable branding, it provides an audit trail. It also has Mobile capture provision with Ability to provide multiparty signing. It offers customizable templates and Task progressing tasking.
2. SignNow
This app is found in your iPhone, iPad, and Android which will let you upload a PDF or Word document from your phone's camera, e-mail, or Dropbox account and insert your signature by just tapping. You will be able to sign using your finger or by uploading a saved signature.
3. DocuSign Ink
This is a free app for Android, iPhone, and iPad devices which is similar to SignNow however it has extra authentication of signers' identities, an audit trail, and document encryption which shows where the document was signed, when and by who.
Digital Signature Solution
Digital signatures no doubt have easily made a shift from paper-based to the paperless environment; but, there is a need to implement innovative and secure solutions to digitally sign files. Businesses are searching for solutions that can sign their documents, files, or forms with protection. The digital signature solution will guarantee authentication, non-repudiation, and trust which is delivered by your conventional counterparts. Additionally, user-friendliness and speedy Return on Investment (ROI) can hold the key when choosing your digital signature solutions.
Free Online Signature Service
The process for mailing and faxing files can be cost-intensive and time-consuming. You can use a free online digital signature which will help in instantly sending your documents to your partners. It will also save time and cost. The evolution of new technologies is resulting in improved quality of life in your professional and personal life.
Organizations need a solution, which will allow them to sign files from their desktop or web browser in no time. Therefore, it is very critical to select the right digital signature solution to meet your business needs and goals. Digital signatures have overhauled the traditional document signing and processing.
The key is to understand and select an accurate digital signature solution to eliminate routine hassles and delays. From process accuracy to timely delivery, and from speedy ROI to customer-friendly approach, your digital signature solution allows you to reap maximum benefits, provided you have the right one with you.