How music makes you a better entrepreneur...
Wait! This post isn't intended for musicians or for entrepreneurs. It's more about the way you live your life.Guess... musically? Woah! You are so smart :) Read through...
The buzzword in India you get to hear so often these days. Is it just a buzzword? Or some real cornerstone work of reclaiming India's long-lost glory? Although, here you would be reading an entirely different story of entrepreneurship from the perspective of a musician. But still the lines above were worth mentioning and intimidating from numerous perspective.
Below, I would be quoting ten most essential characteristics of a musician. It's up to 'YOU' if you see any correlation with your entrepreneurial instincts or even with the lifestyle and attitude of most successful entrepreneurs. The facts are as follows:
1. True musicians eat, sleep and breathe music
2. It's not about money BUT more about entertaining/serving people
3. Even the most successful musicians today, once started with bootstrapping
4. Self-Improvement is at the core of musicians from any category
5. Feedback plays a severely vital role in repositioning the approach of a musician
6. Public relationship is at the core of their marketing strategy.
7. They see 'Music' in everything. No really, I mean it !
8. 24 Hours are too less for them to practice and improve.
9. They can reach the moon if it provides a promising learning experience.
10. Lastly, introvert in nature. Extrovert when the subject topic is 'MUSIC'
As I had said earlier, now it's total upon you to look for the correlation between a musician and an entrepreneur.
If you like my article, do leave comments below. LOVE YOU ALL.
Author's Note : No! I'm not an entrepreneur. I won't refer myself with that term (Coz it takes a lot to become one). But I hope I have enough passion for both Entrepreneurship and Music to offer something to my readers :)