Importance of industrial design focused on medical devices
The present article exposes us the importance of the industrial designer in the medical industry being the design important industrial process in the development of new products, its contribution is of the utmost especially in the projection and conceptualization phase. In the development of this article, will see its importance and the areas of development that the industrial designer could have, as well as his competencies in the design process for the design of medical devices.
In designing and developing a new product must have a group heterogeneous because this is a process typically involving a interdisciplinary contribution. It is not common to see a single person developing new products, it is then that, many people from different disciplines must participate in the development effort of this new product. The challenge for organizations is to know how to maximize resources and making them more efficient and effective ways of achieving success in launch the product as a all, the global design will have to be divided into individual tasks integrating them into a general design. From here the importance of a good administration, planning and structure organization so that the objectives and specific purposes are fulfilled.
The industrial design has as main objective to design consumer products interact directly with the user meeting their needs at through the end for what was designed the product. The term design is usually associated with the creation of products and its meaning is conditioned by its environment, ie by the context in which is used. At present we are presented with various definitions of design. There are multiple currents and directions of the design reflect when trying to develop a concept of the same.
Definition of industrial design.
The term industrial design has been defined from different perspectives, realities or territories and, like the term design, we have found a number of definitions in several sources such as databases on the internet, institutions and organizations related to the design, texts of specialists and publications. The last definition described by Simon (2008, page 229) by the International Council of Societies of Industrial Design (lCSlD) in the year 2009, is the most complete and validated internationally and says: "Design is a creative activity whose will is to establish the qualities multifaceted objects, processes, services and systems in life cycles complete. The design has to do with products, services and systems conceived with tools, organizations and logic contributed by the industrialization (not only in the case of serialized processes). The adjective "Industrial" should be related to the term industry or in the old sense of "industrious activity". Thus the design is an activity that involves a broad spectrum of professions of which the products, services, graphics, design of interiors and architecture are part. Rodríguez, on the other hand, his book "Manual of industrial design", mentions two design concepts industry, which he says, "are for be adopted in the analysis of a academic preparation in such a way that at the end of his training the professional have a personal conception. " In the first concept, Rodríguez states the definition of the term industrial design officially recognized by the ICCSD, whose author is the master of the theory of design Tomás Maldonado and who made it known in the year 1961 in Venice, Italy, for a conference entitled Education for the Design, you can also see it in your book called "Industrial Design Reconsidered "in the following terms: "Industrial design is an activity which is to determine the formal properties of objects produced industrially.
By formal properties do not have to be understood only the exterior features, but, above all, functional relations and structural features that make an object have a coherent unit from the point of view of both the producer and of the user, since, as long as the exclusive concern with traits exteriors of a given object entail the desire to make it appear more attractive or also to disguise their constitutive weaknesses, the properties of an object: they are always the result of the integration of factors various, whether they are of the functional type, cultural, technological or economic ". The second concept describes it as personal way Rodriguez, in his manual: "Industrial design is a discipline project, technological and creative, occupies both the projection of products systems or product systems, such as of the study of interactions that have the same with the man and with his particular way of production and distribution; all with the purpose of collaborating in the optimization of the resources of a company, depending on its processes of manufacturing and marketing (understood by any company association for productive purposes ") Then we can conclude that the design industry is an essential discipline, in the development process. Is transdisciplinary and is present in almost all objects and systems that surround the human being to give him comfort in all its environments, from the houses, furniture, appliances appliances, to the medical product development and telecommunications sectors, automotive, agribusiness, and so on. Industrial design is the branch of design dedicated to the projection of objects of everyday use. It is a creative activity which allows to determine the properties formal, outdoor, running, ergonomic and safety aspects of the objects to be produced industrially considering mainly the needs of being human. The first steps in the development of a new design or modification of one already existing, is to determine the requirements, expectations or requirements of the client, the purpose of the product and the taste of customers or users. Is considered customer, not just the end consumer or the user of the product, but all those people who are involved in the decisions made during the design process: staff of production, assembly, storage, sales, service, post-sales, marketing, etc. The requirements are the attributes necessary for a product before and during design. The need customer's request is the final product of which other requirements flow. That is, determine the desired characteristics of the product, such as size, shape, weight, color, materials used, the cost, the ease use, adjustment and safety.