Start a NGO: Also Know about the Procedure for Registration
NGO or the Non Government Organizations are made with the aim to help the vulnerable societies without earning profit. NGO Registration online is for the section 8 company registration in India.
NGO or the Non Government Organizations are made with the aim to help the vulnerable societies without earning profit. NGO Registration online is for the section 8 company registration in India. NGO registration helps these types of organizations to get legal entity of their organization which makes it more credible in the eyes of contributors and the law.
In this article, we will discuss the online process for NGO registration in detail.
What is NGO Registration online?
If you are thinking to establish a non-government organization we highly recommend you to get the NGO registration first. It can be done online or offline depending upon the type of organization. In India, one can go for registration of an NGO in three possible legal ways;
- Trust Registration
- Society Registration
- Section 8 Company Registration
These three business models are regulated by separate acts as there are many distinct features of every model. One can choose according to their personal requirement, preferences, scale and level of operation. Enterslice helps you to obtain registration in any of the above given business models.
What is the process for NGO Registration online?
There are basically three types of NGO registration available they are in the form of trust registration, society registration and section 8 company registrations. Here is the procedure to obtain registration in any of these 3 categories:
Charitable Trust NGO Registration:
- Select a name for your NGO
- Decide the settler. You require minimum number of two trustees for the registration purpose.
- Prepare Memorandum Of Association and proper trust deed. It must contain all the key provisions and clauses.
- Execute the Trust Deed on stamp paper of sufficient value based upon the value of the assigned property.
- Lastly, Trust Deed must be signed by all the settlors and trustees and get it registered with the Local Registrar of the area in which registered office is located.

Society Registration:
- Select a name for your NGO
- Form a governing body of the Trust.
- Prepare a Memorandum Of Association and by-laws of the Society including all the rules and regulations for the operation and registration of the society.
- Once everything is done the applicant requires submitting the registration forms along with the MOA and rule and regulation document to the Registrar of Society of state in which the registration is done.
Section 8 NGO registration online:
There are certain additional formalities that are required to be met while going for Section 8 registration online. Here is the process you need to follow:
- Select a name for your NGO and make it sure it do not resembles with any other company. Proposed named must be filed for reservation through RUN facility available on the MCA portal. Maximum number of 2 names can be given at a time.
- After the name approval MOA and AOA are prepared along with the other documents like statement of assets and liabilities, projected Profit and loss statement and other.
- Submit an online application to respective ROC for issue of License in Form INC-12.
- License is issued once the application is fully reviewed by the ROC.
- After that, the file incorporation application in SPICe Form along with all the required document is attached as an attachment.
- Certificate of Incorporation is issued after the proper verification of the application
NGO registration online is an easy process that can be accomplished with the help of team of Enterslice. One has to submit all the important documents including the MOA and the bylaws for the registration process. Only section 8 company has the NGO Registration Online facility while trust and society NGOs are registered with the registrar. To know more about the NGO registration online or to get your registration done drop a mail to Enterslice at [email protected].