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How Customer Feedback helps Retail Firms to Improve Productivity

As feedback not only helps in building customer connection but also provides a better analysis of how a business should function. These positive improvements directly increase the productivity of a firm and enhance the goodwill.

How Customer Feedback helps Retail Firms to Improve Productivity

Friday December 27, 2019 , 4 min Read

The key to every successful retail firm is customer satisfaction. Customer satisfaction can only be achieved if the retail firm works towards providing great products and services to the customer at a decent price. However, no retail firm is devoid of shortcomings and deficiencies. 

The desire to grow and a proper growth plan is paramount to becoming successful in any field. Hence, in the case of a retail firm, the need for having a platform for customer feedback and working towards faults is highly essential for its growth. It is only if such a firm accepts customer feedback and addresses customer grievance it will be able to stand profitable and successful in the long run. The same can be done with the help of a customer feedback app. 

 Uses of Customer Feedback Software as a Mode to Improve Productivity

  • Helps in Building Customer Connection: To obtain customer feedback a specific platform needs to be available for it. A customer feedback app can be used as a mechanism to approach customers and ask them to rate your performance. Such an app can be used to collect customer feedback simply and efficiently to create a good customer experience. It also becomes useful in building a relationship between the two parties and gives an idea that the organization values the opinion of its customers and works to align the goals of the parties together for enhanced growth and productivity.  

  • Using Retail Feedback Software to Ease the Process of Evaluation: The last thing a customer needs is the feedback process to be tiring and cumbersome. A retail firm shall not take feedback using open-ended questions or in a blind manner. Retail feedback software that collects customer data can be made more specific and to the point. In such a way, every retail firm will be able to evaluate results better and know its area of improvement precisely. This can be done using surveys, questionnaires, etc. Hence, feedback can remain short, simple, and result-oriented helps in better implementation of desired growth plans.

  • Smart Thoughts and Smart Growth: In many cases, customers step ahead and help retail firms to work towards achieving customer satisfaction. Allowing customers to give invaluable input in customer feedback can help in a retail firm to know exactly what customers wish. Changes and inputs help in guiding a firm to bring in necessary improvements to the organization and build the customer base and enhance productivity, sales, and profit. 

  • Helps in Making Better Business Decisions: The feedback given by a customer who has had the experience of a product and service is probably the most honest and reliable source of information for a firm. Feedback based improvements require a firm to make business decisions that facilitate the improvement and efficiency of the firm. Feedback may make a firm aware of where to allocate more money and resources, what resources to use, what extra services to offer. etc. Such decisions directly affect the profitability and efficiency of a business. Hence, feedback helps in making more wise decisions that facilitate organizational growth. 

  • A Measure of Financial Growth: If there is no end-user of the product, the retailer will suffer loss and its financial performance will fall. Hence, it is important to have a customer feedback software that relates the customer satisfaction with business performance. The use of rating-based questions can help in evaluating this relationship better and predict future financial condition. For example, for a product that has no customer base due to the high cost of service, a retailer may choose to stop its sale and prevent any further loss and fall in financial performance. 

  • Helps in Improving Staff Service: Feedback by customers helps a retail firm to not only know what the customer desires from the organization but also the expectations from the staff. Hence, if a firm helps evaluate staff expectations it will help the firm in guiding its workforce towards fulfilling that goal. This will lead to increased workforce efficiency and productivity. The productivity of the staff will directly lead to better productivity of the firm. 


When a retail firm acts upon customer data collected, it moves a step ahead in its path to success which is why piHappiness provides a full-fledged software that can cater to all your customer-related needs. As feedback not only helps in building customer connection but also provides a better analysis of how a business should function. These positive improvements directly increase the productivity of a firm and enhance the goodwill.