Things to remember for a proffesional
Wednesday June 22, 2016 , 3 min Read
It is well known that Integrity in simple words means consistency, honesty and truthfulness. It is a quality which should be inculcated in each and every human being.
The famous saying “Honesty is the best policy” pin points the vital role played by Integrity of a person and how it influences his/her progress in life including education, career and personal relationships
Keeping this in mind it is nevertheless important that each and every Company Secretary as an Independent Professional and being a Member of a Prestigious Statutory Professional body should inculcate this precious quality in himself/ herself right from his/ her Studentship
Being a Company Secretary, a Key Managerial Personnel we need to communicate not only with the Top Management, Board of Directors, Shareholders and other Stakeholders of the company but also with the Governmental agencies, Statutory bodies etc for which we should possess consistency and honesty
The term ‘Ethics’ being originated from the Greek word “Ethos” which means ‘Character’ clearly explains the meaning by itself
“When Wealth is lost, nothing is lost,
When Health is lost, something is lost,
But When Character is lost, everything is lost”
- By Kautilya in his “Arthasastra”
Professional Ethics are the moral policies, behaviour and standards expected of Professionals. It includes abiding by the Code of Conduct, Rules, Regulations, Guidelines and Instructions framed by respective Professional bodies, Government and other Regulators
Company Secretaries being Professionals, should strictly abide by such ethical principles, guidelines, regulations etc from the esteemed institute.
We being the students of such an esteemed profession should gradually equip ourselves with such set of ethical and moral principles
“Faith in God is incomplete without Love for Humanity”
And I humbly request you all to develop the ethical quality of giving due importance and respect not only to our fellow professionals (members and students of other profession) but also collectively to all the human beings.
Business ethics is that examines ethical principles and moral or ethical problems that arise in a business environment. It applies to all aspects of business conduct and is relevant to the conduct of individuals and entire organizations.
A Company Secretary being a backbone of a company he has the right, duty and privilege in influencing the principles and practices followed by the company. Hence company secretaries can direct the companies to follow ethical business principles and can advise them in carrying on the business ethically
The ‘core values’ are principles that guides an organization's internal as well as external conduct. Core values are usually summarized in the mission statement or in a statement of core values.
The main core values are Integrity, understanding, Professional excellence, unity and responsibility. It is clearly understood that Ethics and Integrity are core values. This obviously explains the crucial role played by the core values in the success of a company
A Company Secretary can be instrumental in formulating or putting in place new core values for a company and can lay the path for the success of the company