Best unit conversion pps for Windows Phone
Here we enlist some really high rated unit converter apps for windows Phones. Unit Converter applications help us to perform our unit conversion operations quickly and easily without interrupting the users to get engaged with complex mathematical calculations involved with the formulas and precision values. These are some “must have unit converter” apps equipped with some useful and powerful features.
Here we enlist some really high rated unit converter apps for windows Phones. Unit Converter applications help us to perform our unit conversion operations quickly and easily without interrupting the users to get engaged with complex mathematical calculations involved with the formulas and precision values. These are some “must have unit converter” apps equipped with some useful and powerful features.
Unit converter
This is one of the simplest app that allows us to covert units quickly. Some of the key units supported by app include temperature, volume, length, fuel, consumption, pressure, flow, power and many more features. This app has got some good reviews from the user for its simplicity and functionality. It is a useful utility which helps us solve our day to day conversions.
App Download link: http://www.windowsphone.com/en-us/store/app/unit-converter/11c1f9fa-0270-46a9-95ae-8bab9f3b46f3
TUC- The Unit Converter
TUC is another powerful yet simple app that let us convert units on the fly. It is a business optimized app which is very useful for Students, Teachers and Professionals to return fast and effective results. It let us save converted data and provide notes and history capabilities within the app. It has more than 18,000 Build in Conversions and also allows us to add our own custom user defined groups and units. It is also equipped with advanced features like Quick References, Favorites, and Note Search and Functional Calculation capabilities. Application offers elegant user interface with advanced navigation options like Decimal Accuracy Control and Rounding Options Selections etc. It also allows us to share the conversion data including Notes and Formulas via SMS or Emails and packed with other advanced features. TUC is also available on Android devices and i-OS phones and tablets.
Official Link:
App Download link: https://www.windowsphone.com/en-in/store/app/the-unit-converter/34236a9f-c918-46b2-b97c-61ecfd7f8a39
Unit converter Pro+
Unit converter Pro plus is another one of the must have app in this list available for windows phone. This professional tool is very useful with our conversion operations. It is an easy to use and user friendly app that helps us with important conversions for free.
App Download link: http://www.windowsphone.com/en-us/store/app/unit-converter-pro/56711016-096e-4cae-8281-2885f35023f9
All in 1 Converter
All in one Converter is a complete solution to our conversion needs and support 17 conversion types with many other sub types. It also saves our converted data for later use. We can also share via Facebook, email or SMS. The app is one of the useful unit conversion app available at App Store.
App Download link: http://www.windowsphone.com/en-us/store/app/all-in-1-converter/687bbe81-e222-4d8e-92cc-e7f46e116526