Believe in yourself!
We do not falter in life because of obstacles. We falter because we believe that we cannot overcome those obstacles.
My motto is life is - You have but one life, so live it to the fullest! And, that is exactly what I do and preach. I have one life in which to learn, to adapt and to accomplish so I make the most of it with a positive attitude.
I grew up believing that i was capable of achieving whatever i put my mind to. That i could reach out and touch the stars, fly to the moon and back; if that was what i wanted & worked towards. Indeed, such was my upbringing!
Among the many things my parents inculcated in me was a sense of belief in my own abilities. That is what i depended upon as i ventured into entrepreneurship and out of this was born Rian Placements. I founded Rian Placements in 2007 and it is an executive search firm catering to the domestic recruitment segment. Rian was initially a work from home venture which has today grown into a women-centric consultancy operating from 2-3 locations in India. Today Rian is a chain of ladies, all working towards a common goal. We have both full time employees and also work-at-home mom's who work for us on a flexi-time basis.
In 2015, I founded another venture called Crafts Nook which is currently a handicraft store on Facebook. It is a corporate & personalized gifting platform focusing on Indian handicraft. India has an abundance of talent and crafts nook is an initiative to give these talented individuals (be it housewives, artists, small kaarigars or job workers) a platform to showcase their art/craft. Our aim at Crafts Nook is to tie up with talented housewives/ students etc and give them a chance to sell their art via us. Since inception, Crafts Nook has been successful in initiating partnerships with various artists and kaarigars who have created some exceptional designs in handcrafted jewelery, marble and other home decor art, for us.
The entrepreneurial journey, although immensely satisfying, has not been one without challenges. The biggest challenge was not just setting up a business but also juggling multiple roles at the same time. Being a wife and mother, it has been challenging to carve out time to devote to a full-fledged career, and initially the going was very tough. Setting up a business & managing it profitably is a daunting task and my journey so far, like most women in the same situation, has not been without trials & triumphs. When I started out, I initially worked from home and was handling things single-handedly. My daughters were very young (both under 5 years old) and being in a nuclear family, familial support was missing. Gradually, as business grew I partnered with like-minded women who found themselves in similar situations. They were qualified but stuck at home to the demands of infant children or a family. Together we built up a network and soon were able to grow the business to a level wherein we moved into our own office space. Today, whatever measure of success I have achieved I owe to both my family and also to these amazing ladies who have helped me to shape both Rian Placements & Crafts Nook into the platforms that they are today.
There have been instances when people (family & friends) have asked me, “How do you manage to do so much?” My answer has always remained the same – I am passionate about what I do! I am passionate about running operations and I love the adrenaline rush & challenge of constant work & facing deadlines. My motto in life has been – you have but one life, so live it to the fullest! And, that is exactly what I do and preach. I have one life in which to learn, to adapt and to accomplish so I make the most of it with a positive attitude. yes, i admit that its not easy to be upbeat all the time. Running a business (es) is exceptionally hard work and there are moments of frustration, anger and depression. However, it is out of such very moments that is born faith, resolve and the attitude to succeed.
In retrospect I feel content with the body of work that I can account for in my name. But, the milestones that we have achieved are still on a road that is being traveled and we do have many more miles to cover still.
Reach me at [email protected] / [email protected]
Facebook link for Rian Placements - www.facebook.com/Employmentbyrianplacements
Facebook link for Crafts Nook - www.facebook.com/CraftsNookbySonal