ZPPS for a successful Business ...
A four step strategy
BUSINESS- Any field these days is concentrated on start-ups. Business is not just a firm or a floor for profits. A real businessman learns lot of lessons from running a business.
Inspired from TRUE STORIES!!!!!!!
The 4 steps that make you sit at the top in your business. here you go:-
All you need to do before starting a business is-decide on your interest. The ZEAL that leaves you with no sleep. A feeling that comes from inside-"Yes, it's my company. It's my responsiblity" is not enough for a good start. The mind and heart should be filled with hunger and enthusiasm. The most important thing is that these feelings should be hidden deeper in your hearts. A silent beginning is far better than everything. Once you are on a path, everything follows you.
The PASSION to do something. Correction- The PASSION to do anything.. Whatever an obstacle is, just overcome it and learn new things. But never loose hope. The passion is not to start it or be on the safe side. The passion actually defines our strengths, our interests, our abilities and much more.. All your thoughts are to be filled with a single question- "What to do?" The solution to this is the only way for your success. Your thoughts form the pillars for the business.
PLANNING in business defines your dedication, the way you plan to utilize all the requirements for a good foundation. Once you start implementing all your plans, visualize your thoughts and how to implement them under the demanding situations you usually face. Every plan needs to be implemented in a well-organised manner.
Apart from all these points, SUCCESS not only needs your plans to be implemented, but also the way you behave, your perspective, your optimism, everything has its importance. Try to enlarge the scales and productivities but only during the risk-less times.
Business in any field, is not actually a work or a firm. Its our responsibility. Its our faith.