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How to evolve as an effective leader in Business Analysis?

How to evolve as an effective leader in Business Analysis?

Tuesday February 05, 2019 , 5 min Read

Every time a question arises as to what is the only thing that is constant in a rapidly changing business environment. The answer leads to a single word; “Change”. In a rapidly evolving business economy, we need to adopt newer strategies and stakes should be increased to pump in more profitability.

Business Analysis Leadership Skills

So, how can we map the business changes? This is where a business analyst plays a crucial role. Business needs to be planned and strategist. This calls for an assignment expert who can not only prepare a sound business model but also strive to integrate it with technology. A business analyst should possess multi-tasking skills. One of the business analyst skill should also be we well versed with the business operations and information technology. This is as an important aspect of business analysis as it helps improve the services in the business.

To become an effective business analyst, one must first embody the business analysis body of knowledge. The expert should be able to cover various facets, be it a great orator, has strong writing skills, a pragmatic diplomat, experimenter, problem solver and an efficient thinker. The analyst can further fine tune the art of business analysis by studying, by finding points of action that can help companies to arrive to a conclusion while taking business decisions. A good analyst must include predictive analysis, data mining, statistical analysis, descriptive and big data analysis in their report. Once these skills are mastered and artfully executed with resounding success, can a business analyst emerge as a leader.

So how can a business analyst career path swerve on the career curve to evolve as an effective leader? Here are some very effective secrets that will help you eventually advance from an efficient business analyst to a leader of the pack.

During a research and survey conducted, many business analysts were asked which role they would like to move after their current designation. Most of them were prompt in answering the question by telling that they would like to be project managers. Unfortunately, most organizations fail to define a clear path for the business analysis process. There is no hope lost, a business analyst should strive to continue the path of excellent performance in eventually becoming a project manager.

Understanding the importance of cross-functional training

Being the best in your profile is excellent. But to lead a team one needs to step out of the comfort zone and venture into new uncharted profiles. An analyst must understand the overall business process, be it the retail distribution or the day to day operations on the floor. Having a solid knowledge will enable you to step up in the leadership game.

Should possess the skill to engage stakeholders

Business analysis skills should be extended to forming strong bonds of networking with the stakeholders. It is necessary that you have the stakeholders trust to implement your strategies that will help the stakeholders get what they desire. This can be solely achieved by creatively thinking and the rightful presentation of your thoughts.

Getting equipped with business process as well as IT management

Adopting business management principles through certification can give you that much-needed boost to go to the next level. Understanding Six Sigma principles, PMP, ITIL and such other coveted certifications, will help you understand project management better. Mastering these principles will help you scale business efficiency and expand your horizon as a business analyst.

Get clarity in your workmanship

To be a leader you need to be the finest amongst the lot. The first and foremost aim of a business analyst is to attain a sense of clarity. Clarity is essential for two things, one; how you as a business analyst who likes to take forward your career and two; what are the new ideas you could bring in to make the business better.

Work constantly towards improving your soft skills

With businesses getting shrewder by the day, it becomes necessary that a business analyst realizes the importance of soft skills to increase their power of convincing. This will help you sell your ideas and recommendations with much more vigor. The business analyst must realize that one of the most powerful business analysis tools is oration and written communication. This will help you get any kind of tasks accomplished.

Learning to optimize through fewer resources

As businesses keep cutting down costs, the business analyst needs to learn the art of maximizing the use of minimum resources given at their disposal. There should also be a constant strive to cut costs. This helps in keeping a tab on the profits of the company. This will help you evolve as a person who could be looked up to as an expert who could get surplus outputs through minimum resources.

Getting the scope of work created

One of the business analysis techniques involves scrutinizing data and looking at loopholes that need rectification to ensure that the business is watertight in their operations. This could be further extended by studying a whole project and establishing a scope as to how the work needs to progress. This is a great headway for improving your leadership skills as you will be at the helm of planning and operational functioning.

Finally plot, plot and replot

Changing business scenarios need constant upgrading of plans with respect to business strategies. As a business analyst who wants to move on to leadership profile, you need to keep on coming up with strategic plans. This will include understanding the requirements of the project and safeguarding the value of the project.

About The Author:

Jijo is a content marketing analyst and a strategist who is associated with GoDissertationHelp and guest author at @Valuewalk and Inman. He is an active blogger who also serves as an honorary lecturer in several B-schools. Besides being a bibliophile, he is a certified mountain climber too. Follow him on Twitter.