Importance Of Digital Marketing In Today’s Stage Of Affairs

Nowadays nearly everyone is using digital technologies directly or indirectly. According to specialists, this information can increase with an enormous rate within the next few years. Web is providing endless opportunities for tiny and medium scale businesses, so digital promotion has become a significant part of the whole promotion efforts. There are number of vital factors that may justify the importance of digital marketing:
Digital marketing is the marketing of products or services using digital technologies, mainly on the Internet, but also including mobile phones, display advertising, and any other digital medium.
Digital marketing’s development since the 1990s and 2000s has changed the way brands and businesses use technology for marketing. As digital platforms are increasingly incorporated into marketing plans and everyday life, and as people use digital devices instead of visiting physical shops, digital marketing campaigns are becoming more prevalent and efficient.
1. Interact with your shoppers online
In this digital world interaction with your shoppers is extremely simple because of social media and your own website. Today’s audience is more often exploring Google and Social Media for their queries. Therefore you should be able to interact with your clients on these channels and solve their problem just in time. This can lead you to boost the relationship with your customers.
2. Economic as compared to traditional marketing
Digital Marketing is a cost-efficient medium for promotion of any product, services or brand because this does not need any physical setup like any traditional marketing strategies that has several limitations on different conditions and very costly also. Apart from this, it needs a distinct kind of setup that is technology oriented and it doesn’t cost too much. This also needs completely different skills and abilities to achieve the goal.
3. Just in time problem solving
Through the internet, businesses can interact with their clients and customers to resolve their issues and queries. Thus digital marketing provides the upper hand to the businesses to boost their customer support and provide the best possible services to their clients.
4. No geographical boundaries
With digital marketing, the geographical boundary isn’t any more a huge concern for businesses. With the assistance of digital marketing, you’ll be able to market and sell your product and services all across the world.
5. Be ahead of competition
In digital marketing, there are plenty of choices through which you’ll be able to go ahead of your competition. There’s no issue of the budget as well if you’ve got a little budget then also you’ll be able to run campaigns and create your digital strategy to compete along with your competitors. There are always some areas where your competitors may be lagging behind thus if you’ll be able to crack that then you can go ahead of your competition using all these things smartly.
6. Content connects customers
Digital marketing offers you to serve content to your customers in form of text, pictures, info graphics, audio, video, etc. You can serve this through blogs, social media posts, personal/business websites, discussion forums etc. This will be utilized in regular routine for more interaction and engagement with customers.
7. High return on investment (ROI)
Return On Investment (ROI) is a very important consideration of any marketing strategy. Traditional marketing strategies have a low return on investment and sometimes don’t suit for small businesses. Whereas digital marketing can be applied in low cost so the small businesses can also afford it so it is the best method to expand customer base and gain high return on investment.
8. Measurable
Results of traditional marketing methods are tough to measure without knowing the detailed outcome, it’s tough to determine the outcome of a campaign. This is not the case with digital marketing, each single digital marketing tactics you use is measurable. You can do an in-depth analysis through analytical tools such as google analytics, google webmaster.
Digital Marketing Wings:
1. Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a continuous process of optimizing a website on all the criteria like tag optimization, content optimization, website speed optimization, size optimization, link building and many more through which it can get high rank on search engine result page (SERP).
2. Pay Per Click Advertising (PPC)
PPC Ads are the “sponsored” results that can be viewed on the top or on bottom of the search engine result page. These Ads are paid results and advertiser has to pay only if the user clicks on the result.
These Ads only appear on specific keyword search and are very effective for lead generation. Sometimes these ads can also help in increasing organic ranking of a website if these ads get high Click Through Rate (CTR).
3. Social Media Marketing
Social Media Marketing is a practice of promoting your brand using social media platforms and websites such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Reddit etc. This is mainly used for spreading brand awareness, customer relationship management, lead generation and driving website traffic.
4. Content Marketing
Content Marketing is a marketing strategy where we use content to market a product or service. This is the best way to engage with your audience, solve their problems and help them out.
Content Marketing is the fuel for every digital marketing activity you wanna perform. let’s say you want to rank your website or blog on top of google ranking so you will need quality content that will add value to your consumer and a reader of your blog post. If you want to connect with people on social media then again you need content to share with people. If you want to run paid Ads then also you need a catchy info-graphics or a picture content to represent.
5. Email Marketing
Email Marketing campaigns are very effective way of generating leads because it gives a personalized experience to your customer.
Email Marketing is also used for offering loyalty programs, offers for existing clients and providing helpful information to nurture your consumer & adding value in his life.
In fact, digital marketing now extends to non-Internet channels that provide digital media, such as mobile phone’s SMS & and MMS, callback, and on-hold mobile ringtones. In essence, this extension to non-Internet channels helps to differentiate digital marketing from online marketing.