The IT industry offers a plethora of technologies to increase your knowledge and skills. There are several training courses that candidates can obtain following with the fascinating job opportunities. There are many modern technologies such as cloud computing, artificial intelligence to learn. To take up jobs in IT, one of the prerequisites is to have knowledge of programming languages. There are many options available such as Java, PHP, C++ and many more. Today we are talking about python that is one of the popular programming languages.
Introduction to Python
Python is one of the most popular programming languages that is used by programmers. Python was created by Guido van Rossum in the year 1991. Python language facilitates the development of small and large scale dynamic websites.
This language provides developers with easy code readability and enables lesser coding. It is an object-oriented language used for development, scripting, and testing. It facilitates developers with enhanced productivity as it requires developing fewer codes. The Python language is supported by extensive libraries offering memory management. It also extends supports for easy debugging.
Python is an extensively used language by many to organizations such as Dropbox, Quora, IBM, and CISCO. Taking an Online Python Training Course is an effective way to learn Python programming.
Features of Python:
- Interpreted language: Unlike in languages such as Java or C++, there is no need for compiling in Python. The source code here is interpreted line by line all the entire code altogether. The programmers find it easy to debug codes in Python.
- Extensive support libraries: Expanded and extensive libraries support python language. The developers are not needed to write codes again and again. Many programs are already embedded in libraries and reduce the length of the code
- Open source language: Python is an open source language and freely available for the programmers. The source codes for python is available free to download and distribute for commercial use. You do not have to incur any cost for downloading python.
- Easy to read: Python language is dynamically typed and easy to read the language. It is developer friendly high-level language.
- Cross-platform: Python supports all the major platforms such as windows. Linux, Macintosh. It is a cross-platform and highly portable language.
- GUI based applications: python is used to develop a graphical interface that supports many systems.
Benefits of Python Language:
- User-friendly: It is a user-friendly language containing built-in data structures for building fast data structures. It enables to write fewer codes for writing programs.
- Widely-used language: Major organizations in the markets such as Google, Yahoo, Pinterest uses python for the development process.
- Easy to learn: This programming language is very easy to learn and candidates with the technical or non-technical background can easily start programming after taking a python training course.
Why learn python?
Python is famous among the developers for the development of GUI applications, web development, Science and numeric applications and applications for education and business sector. Python is also used in creating gaming apps and network programming. Let's discuss why it is the best option to take online training in Python.
- Perfect for beginners: Candidates from the various background can learn python to build a successful career. It is the first choice for the beginners to enter in the web development field. It is an expressive language with easy readability and easy to read syntaxes.
- Large community: Python language is supported by a huge community of developers who want to help, communicate and improve the language. A large and extensible library supporting this language and well-developed modules allow developers in web development and facilitates the constant growth of this language.
- Enhanced career opportunities: As this language is easy to learn and understand it provides a number of opportunities for developers to build a career.
- High paying jobs: With the growing popularity, the demand for python developers has also increased. According to a survey, It is conducted that Python developers have 2nd highest paying jobs as compared to other programmers
- Widely used: Python is high-class language and most used language for web development for startups as well as large organizations.
- Increasing demand: By joining Python training online. The candidates can meet the increasing gaps in the market for python developers. Every company prefers candidates who have practical knowledge of web development. Python course will provide hands-on training with real-time projects so candidates can learn the practical implications of this language.