How Mobile App Development can be a Road Map for Digital Marketing?
We have witnessed a significant shift from a traditional offline world to the online one. This digital revolution has made its impact prominent in the corporate domain. But, what is the major driver to take your business to a digital medium? With the growing usage of Smartphones all over the world, we have found the trend of commercializing mobile apps. Besides, Yahoo data has shown that 90% of mobile usage is taking place due to apps. Thus, marketers have started rethinking their marketing tactics. Smartphone app development solutions can fuel your business growth with higher customer engagement, better customer relationships, and faster payment.
Moreover, for most of the business, another drive is the decrease in mobile app development cost. Hence, many small and medium scale businesses are opting for feature-rich mobile apps to engage with their customers and spread brand awareness. Let us present you with 8 motivating facts about mobile apps and online marketing.
1. Add a twist to your branding campaign with app development-
What is the primary aim of your branding efforts? It’s visibility. Every brand has a goal of attracting the eyes of customers and retaining their impressions for a longer period. Mobile apps play an important role in maintaining this brand visibility. As mobiles have brought the world at one’s fingertips, you may rely on apps for successful branding.
2. Choose mobile app development as the best channel for earning higher revenues-
A mobile app may be entertaining, informative, or of some other categories. It can easily engage a Smartphone user with its features. Then, why shouldn’t you release enterprise-grade mobile apps? Thus, you can please your customers and enable them to get in touch with you at any time.
Now, you may question- What will we get from investing in application development services? Well, you can make your customer relationship solid and long-lasting. Besides, spreading your business information becomes easier, and the overall marketing and profit-making process will become faster.
3. Send notifications as a part of your marketing campaign-
Mobile apps have opened another path of promoting your services and products. Hire developers to create mobile apps to send push notifications that directly appear on the app screen. However, too frequent notifications may negatively affect your users. Notifications sent at the right time with a meaningful message can-
- Increase user interaction
- Promote communication
- Introduce new features to the app users
Thus, be considerate while pushing notifications to a user’s app screen.
4. Engage more customers- Find your loyal customer base inflating gradually-
One of the most grueling tasks for you is to garner traffic for your business website. The best way of drawing more visitors to your platform is by releasing an app. Only the conscious users and your target customers will download the app. Thus, it is easy for you to get steady attention from those app users and build a loyal customer base.
A perfectly designed business mobile app with a user-friendly design undoubtedly stands ahead of different other digital marketing solutions. A native app enables your customers to have easy accessibility. Due to the optimized features of Smartphone devices, apps have turned out to be more enjoyable. Furthermore, digital payment and geo-location technologies help with convenient transactions, better business opportunities, and location-based marketing.
5. Better collaboration in the workplace- Deeper insights into app users-
Lots of employees, customers, and business partners have already adopted the trend of “Bring Your Own Device” policies for real-time interactions and collaborations. Besides, modern Smartphone models come with sensors to collect user data related to location, buying habits, preference, and demographics.
Thus, you can run a data-driven marketing campaign with an in-depth look into user feedback and workplace collaboration. Due to the increase in app usage, businesses have realized the necessity of analytical measurements. You may also find lots of tracking tools in the markets.
Now, you can create your customized app and set the key metrics for marketing performance analytics. Besides, to ensure the proper functioning of your campaign, you can check for the CPC rate, the number of app installations, and the characteristics of the paid app users.
6. Reach out more customers-
Digital technologies have made it easier for us to reach our business in any part of the world. Whether you have a local or global business-standard, a link embedded in the app can ensure a faster connection of a business with its potential customers. Small and medium-sized businesses have also leveraged the positive effects of this mobile revolution with the release of useful apps. Thus, they have noticed a sharp rise in CTR of mobile app platforms.
Moreover, with Beacon and Geo-fencing technologies, you can adjust your in-app advertising campaign. From the animated banners to the popup ads, mobile apps come with attention-grabbing and interactive visual content.
7. Best tools for online marketing-
Innovative mobile apps, developed with Virtual Reality technology, are best for promoting your products, eliminating the restriction of space. Lots of brands have already implemented VR apps into their online marketing program. In the retail sector, VR enables marketers to display products in their virtual showrooms. Therefore, customers can easily get into the VR store and make their deals.
Augmented Reality apps also stimulate the best feel in customers, resulting in an increasing sale and higher customer engagement. For instance, when you have created an AR app for your clothing store, your customers can try out your clothes remotely without visiting your store.
Besides, you must also not forget to create a digital payment app for your customers. As Google Wallet and Apple Pay have entered the markets, customers have turned to the trend of online shopping. With the rise of mobile-based transactions, you can notice a simultaneous change in the behavior of customers. Since the mobile app usage has turned out to be a trendy activity, it has increased the inclination to digital shopping.
8. Mobile apps must have these integrations-
We have discussed a lot about how mobile apps add fuel to your online marketing campaign. However, to get the desired outcome, your mobile apps need some major integrations-
· Social media-
Add social media buttons to your app platform for successful marketing. If you have hired an app development company, then ask the professional developers and programmers to integrate major social networks into your app. Thus, end-users can always connect them with your company. On the other hand, enterprises get benefit from the increased reputation and customer loyalty.
· Mobile analytics-
Your business mobile app with analytical tools let you know your customers’ behaviors and app usage pattern. Thus, it will become easier for you to target those app users to collect data and run a marketing campaign.
· Database-
Every marketer looks for data-oriented solutions to manage your marketing program. Hence, CRM database integration is one of the top priorities of app developers. Address your customers and serve them better.
Android and iOS app development companies take note of every detail of your app to ensure the most usable product. Adaptive and responsive design principles, clean interface, and simple registration process- these three things can prevent your users from uninstalling the app.
Moreover, the best developers always test out the app thoroughly to make sure that users will have no trouble in clicking its buttons. Before launching the app, a simple test can make you confident about the positive user feedback.