7 Reasons Why a Remote Workspace is Vital in the Future
Remote workspaces offer a great deal of convenience and flexibility to employees as well as employers & the popularity of remote working has increased day by day and is expected to become even more popular, even important, in the coming years.

An increasing number of professionals prefer to work from home or co-working spaces closer to their homes rather than in an office. Remote workspaces offer a great deal of convenience and flexibility to employees as well as employers – it’s a win-win situation.
The popularity of remote working has increased day by day, and is expected to become even more popular, even important, in the coming years. Let’s examine the reasons:
1. Companies can excess a huge talent pool
HR departments need not be restricted to hire professionals from the same city, or those who are willing to relocate. You never know where you may find the best in the field! By employing professionals who can work remotely, geographical boundaries cease to be of importance. You can employ people living in another city, state, or even country! Technological advances in communication and project management like IPIX PMS-Project Management Software, make this possible and feasible.
2. 5G
Many leaders in the digital industry are of the opinion that with the advent of 5G, traditional offices will start dying a natural death. With a superfast network, businesses and employees will be able to easily add features and capabilities at minimal to no increase in cost. Meetings can be conducted online, via apps like Zoom or Skype, and for more interaction, through holographic meetings. Already tech giants are working to create better holographic telepresence solutions that will make virtual meetings more immersive.
3. Cost Savings
Companies can save money by not having to rent a physical space, provide equipment, pay power bills, and so on. Employees can save big too, by not having to move to a different location, and/or commuting to their workplace every single day. Apart from this, there are things like work lunches or dinners, child care for employees with children, and so on. Investing in technology works out to be much cheaper than investing in space, and equipment, and the recurring costs of food, outings, benefits, and so on combined.
4. Numerous employees already telecommute
A great number of employees are already telecommuting to work at least for a day in a week. So this means that this number is likely to increase in the coming days, considering the convenience that remote working offers. The flexibility of working in their own hours is too good to pass up.
5. Several U.S. companies are going 100% remote
According to a Gallup report, 170 companies in 2015 had gone 100% remote – up from just 26 the previous year. One of the most well-known among these companies that has gone remote is GitHub. Thanks to tools like Google Drive, Dropbox, IPIX PMS, Skype, and Zoom, collaborating online, sharing documents, and screens, communicating, and keeping track of work done by each employee is very simple.
6. Remote workers take very few days off
As employees only need a computer and internet connection, they can literally work from anywhere, or even when they aren’t feeling too well. By not commuting a lot, employees are less likely to fall sick and stop work as well. Being able to work in a familiar environment and in a relaxed manner (comfy clothes, listening to music, etc.) rather than a rigid office environment, also helps boos productivity. Home workers are more likely to achieve work satisfaction too.
7. Deeper Technology
Integration Wearable tech, facial and speech recognition, virtual reality, augmented reality, and so on are making giant leaps, thanks to improvements in machine learning and artificial intelligence. We are also seeing the emergence of smart receptions, access and meeting rooms through cloud-based applications, and security monitoring in real time.