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7 Ways Recruiters Can Use Blogging to Build Credibility

7 Ways Recruiters Can Use Blogging to Build Credibility

Friday February 28, 2020 , 6 min Read

As quoted by HRD Australia, “The best approach to hiring is to treat candidates like customers.” Being a recruiter, you play an important role in portraying the image of your company. You’re responsible for building the credibility of the business, and you must take the job seriously.

What Does ‘Credibility for Recruiters’ Mean?

Trust and reliability are the fundamentals of building a relationship. Credibility for Recruiter means the fiduciary relationship between the company and all its stakeholders. The credibility of your business affects your relationship with candidates, clients, referrals, peers, and prospects.

Why Do Recruiters Need Credibility?

Businesses need to build trust in the digital world. People will only reach out if they can trust you. Gaining credibility would help:

  • Acquire more business
  • Amplify your social presence
  • Increase user loyalty with your brand
  • Create transparency about your business to online users
  • Build a fiduciary relationship with clients and candidates

7 Ways Blogging Helps in Building Credibility

A professional blog is an excellent tool to create and manage your online presence. It helps users in trusting the business, which increases your credibility. If you provide online users with quality content, they’re bound to return.

Here are some ways to increase your credibility with blogging:

1. Creates an Authoritative Business Image

Blogging is a useful tool for showcasing the best things about your company. You can use it to allow others to see what you know and what you do. To show assertiveness, have employees and customers share your blogs to get the word out. Use topics that highlight your business activities and entice people to read.

If your article is all words, readers might get bored. You can also add real workplace pictures to show your readers. Visuals and images are eye-catching tools in blogging.

Write articles to give insights about the work culture and your trustworthy employees. Highlight what’s best about your business. In addition to this, encourage employees to write testimonials and the reasons why they love working with you. The testimonials can go on your website and blog.

The blog content will attract customers and potential new candidates. When job applicants get a closer look at the work culture and happy employees, it’ll motivate them to apply for vacancies. It creates a pool of candidates from which you can choose.

2. Increases Your Website’s Traffic

Due to many fake businesses and websites, users are reluctant about trusting new firms, that also means your website won’t have a lot of traffic. Effective blogging is the key to improve your website traffic. Blogs are written using keywords that trigger organic results on search engines. You can find some interesting blogs at Apply Up to see how blogs engaging the audience.

You can also use blogging to enhance your social media presence by sharing blog links to your company profiles. The consistent sharing will also keep your social profiles active.

3. Boosts Brand Engagement

Give your target audience to build credibility and trust in your business. Make sure your blogs seem friendly instead of robotic. The tone should feel ‘human’ and relatable. Use a welcoming tone to communicate with your audience in the comments section. The interaction with each user will increase their trust and, thus, credibility.

Keep your thoughts, topic, and content relevant to what you believe in whenever you make a new post. Your tone and words make an impression on the readers. Try to eliminate the use of an opinionated tone because it’s a turn-off for readers. An opinionated tone states opinion as facts and implies that the reader isn’t smart if they don’t agree. The blog doesn’t seem friendly, and you lose credibility.

Additionally, share the history of your business with your audience. Users love a good story about the business and its owner. Give them a transparent and relevant story that’s relatable for them. Just be yourself to seem approachable and trustworthy.

4. Build Your Subscriber List

Blogging attracts more users to your website and allows you to turn them into potential customers. You can encourage readers to sign up for newsletters, trial products, e-books, and giveaways.

Once the readers sign up, you can create a list with the email addresses. Later, you can send them marketing emails. The marketing emails can be used for launching new products or services, sending blog recommendations as per the users’ interest. With frequent emails, the customers will keep you remembered.

5. Make Users Come Back for More

Write and post blogs that attract users into reading your content. When you post authentic content, it gives people the motive to come back. Returning customers are long-term relationships that also help build credibility.

Imagine how good it would feel when someone praises your writing at social events. Word of mouth about your business, blogs, and website will generate great exposure and increase your readers.

6. Stay Away from Controversial Topics

Writing blogs on controversial topics like politics, government, or capital punishment seems interesting, but it’s not a good idea. The topics can create a difference of opinion, and you could end up in bad books that could hurt your brand image. Avoid any topics that present your opinions or views on a sensitive issue.

Remember, the goal is to build credibility and not make the public hate you and your brand.

7. Stick to A Niche

When you’re set to deliver information on a topic, make sure you stick to it. Readers tend to leave and not return when they get lost or confused reading a confusing article.

Don’t try to write on two different topics; instead, just write two articles and then link them as references. Readers have a short attention span, and to keep them interested include compelling headings.

Is It Time to Start A Blog?

As a recruiter, a blog helps you in more ways than you can imagine. Blogging about the right topics gives your brand a positive image, that improves your credibility. Your credibility comes in handy when you meet new people, hire new candidates, or interact in social events. You’ll have nothing to worry about if your blog speaks for yourself.