Sites for developers and designers in 2019
Best sites in 2019 to check out
Web development is a field that discretely requires from experts to have significant knowledge in the areas of coding, web design, UX and various other skills. In times of need to get the most updated info on coding languages, standards, new trends, and top practices, online resources are a great investment of time. Websites helpful for developers have to be more technology intended and forge ahead. Such websites provide interesting tutorials, coding tricks, and useful resources.
Firstly, I would like to mention one of the most popular and eminent in the blog and a website that is focused on both – development and web design. The must-read manoeuvre for one who engaged in applications and websites creation is Smashing Magazine. Other resources for every web developer to be monitored are Google’s and Mozilla’s special resources.
Developers must have up-to-date tools and resources that help them learn, do more and be high-yielding. So, here are a few related ones:
For Design
For the Bootstrap framework, a robust drag and drop builder is Bootstrap Studio. It has a plentiful library of components and tools for making receptive layouts. With it, one can fast track development and test on different devices instantly. You have to get paid registration for this app as it’s not free. I say it is great speculation for every web developer as it pays itself many times over.
For Coding
Mincss tool is one of its kind, the URL provided results in the page download along with all its CSS, then compares each and every selector in the CSS to find out which ones remained unused. The end result is a copy of the genuine CSS with a difference of only the selectors that were not found in the document, removed. Few associated tools that one may find fascinating are the CSS3 gradient editor, refresh-sf for minifying CSS/JS/HTML and Prefixr and the autoprefixer library for adding vendor prefixes to CSS3 rules.
For Hosting and Browser
PingDom’s website Speed test is an online Website Speed Test that helps you examine the load speed of your websites and learn to make them even faster. The results and analysis provided to you are very thorough and explanatory. An additional tool which will help you in optimizing the speed of your website and gives you applicable guidance is Google's Page Speed Insights.
For Image processing
Pixlr is a marvelous image editor with variant functionalities. Its working is very much similar to an offline image editing software, with the only difference that it instigates directly in the browser. Despite being in the industry of free online image editors for many years, it is still one of the best out there.
In Collaboration tools
The greatest clique of web and app developers can be called like the social network of coders. It is very popular as it lets you raise your level up. GitHub gives lots of ready-to-use codes that give you a jump start in developer’s projects. It also has unified issue tracking that finds and resolve the bug problems and has full git support. Github brought a revolution in the way of developers collaboration as Git made the version control approachable to the swarm. Github is the most favored depository hosting website in the world of developers and gives you an illimitable number of free general depositories.
For Chrome extensions
Hasher figures steganographic hashes like SHA-1 and MD5. It’s completely executed in JavaScript and all computations are accomplished on the client side.
As Learning means
Alternativoj is a website that excels in publishing astounding articles and tutorials on a weekly basis related to web development and software alternatives. On browsing its large troupe of articles, one will come to know that it is one of the most up-to-date and extensive websites.
In the current times of stress, music is the best stress buster and for a developer to write code with a soothing sound of raindrops is an ultimate relief. Two of the most approved sites are Raining.fm and Rainy Mood. The former site gives you sliders to control the intensity of rain and thunder. Another website Coding.fm gives you the sounds of programmers at work as a background.
Online tools and websites
These days we are into using online tools and websites more often. There is a wide range of different tools and services for each one of us out there.
I am very hopeful in the coming days at work you will come across one or the other thing that will prove to be useful to you. These can be a wire-drafting tool, a design marketplace, a geeky comic or an HTML transmutation service.
Pre-written segments of codes are a lot of time-saving for website and app developers on various projects. Codester is a great place for principally for freelancers. Codester offers a diverse handout, web themes, and plugins for the various highly popular platforms, like HTML5, Tumblr, Drupal, WordPress and Magento and also application source codes likewise for iOS, Android, Unity, Titanium, and Corona.
These all basically are into selling scripts to exalt the apps, in PHP, Python, C and Java, JavaScript and many more. One can start with the fundamental code for an app, then reskin it with contrasting graphical content taken right from them, varying from icons and logos to full user interface.
I have clubbed all the various aspects of development and the related websites which can be of a lot of value for the developers in enhancing their knowledge and skills and also lowering the stress and reducing the workload of coding on a project. Developers need to stay new-fangled, so having a site providing happening stuff related to the development world is always gives you an upper hand. Hope you got indispensable information from this article.