Software Development & Technology in 2009 V/S 2019: Let’s Do The #10YearChallenge

Looking back on the years that have gone by and reminiscing how far we have come along in these years is an activity that everyone enjoys. This is proved by the #10YearChallenge that is currently trending all over social media. Because technology is such an important part of our lives today, it’s worth exploring how this aspect of our lives has evolved in the last 10 years. One thing that can be surely said about the technology revolution during this time period is that we have witnessed big changes taking place over these years. The technology scene in 2019 is completely different from the technology scene of 2009.
Taking on the #10YearChallenge for Custom software development, let’s explore the major shifts and changes that have happened in detail.
Software Development in 2009 V/S 2019

The process of developing software has undergone significant changes in the past 10 years, thanks to the several frameworks and methods which have now come into existence.
Mobile app development was still at nascent stage in this year, and so was cloud computing. Augmented reality and virtual reality were non-existent concepts at this point of time. Technology areas like business intelligence and big data didn’t enjoy much importance back then. Open source software development was still struggling to find stability in terms of having great technical support that can be relied upon.
IoT, or Internet of Things, had just come into the picture. People were still trying to study artificial intelligence in an exploratory way. This was also a time when manual form of software testing was quite popular. People were also skeptical about paying via online or using digital wallets.
Programming languages such as C, C++, PHP, and Java were quite popular in 2009. JavaScript, on the other hand, wasn’t really that popular at this point.
If we talk about software development methods that were most commonly used in 2009, then we can count in approaches like iterative development, waterfall model, and spiral model. Another interesting point about software development in 2009 was that the idea of saving time and cost by reusing code wasn’t big then.
Now, let’s jump into the year 2019.
Compared to 2009, 2019 is like a new age altogether for software development. Mobile apps have become a part and parcel of our lives today. The mobile experiences that are being created today are more innovative, engaging, personalized, and sophisticated than ever. The technologies of augmented reality and virtual reality are being explored and applied in exciting ways, like for building out-of-the-box mobile applications.
Cloud computing has today become an integral part of software development and deployment. We have many cloud-based infrastructures and services in popular use now, some notable examples being Microsoft Azure and Amazon Web Services. The power of data in helping make business decisions has clearly become evident in 2019, and that’s why businesses have become keen on working in the areas of business intelligence and big data.
This is also a great time for open source software development because now there are various well-established communities of developers to offer technical support. As a result, leveraging this cost-saving style of software development has become much more easy and desirable.
The implementation of IoT has become quite widespread today, making the daily lives of people simpler and more convenient. In 2019, we also have many concrete ways of incorporating artificial intelligence in our lives, whether it’s in the form of chatbots, medical diagnosis, or any of the other numerous AI applications. In fact, now we also have testing automation tools which are driven by artificial intelligence for enhanced efficiency.
As far as using digital wallets and paying via online are concerned, we are all aware how widely popular and preferred they have become today.
Talking specifically about the programming languages that are popular today, we have Java, PHP, Python, C#, C++, and JavaScript. As you can see, Java, PHP, and C++ have managed to maintain their popularity all these years. The big surprise in this list would be JavaScript, that has grown tremendously over the years to become a highly sought-after language. PHP programming language has kept up with the changing times nicely, by continually offering new features to support better web development. That explains why it’s still so popular in 2019.
The software development models that are being used in 2019 are the latest methods like agile development, rapid application development, DevOps, etc. And also now, code reusability is heavily emphasized because this approach helps save a lot of valuable time and money.
This was an overview of how software development Services has transformed in years between 2009 and 2019. Technology, on the whole, has changed so much. Back in 2009, we were still dependent on using cash in our day-to-day life and considered TV as our primary source of entertainment. Now in 2019, we have cryptocurrencies and videos streaming services.
If we probe into these changes a little deeper, we are going to find a change that has been the biggest of all. This change is the change in the overall perspective and mindset when it comes to technology. While in 2009, our perspective when working with technology was more process-oriented, in 2019 our perspective when working with technology is certainly more customer-oriented. Think of all the popular products of technology that we have today, Instagram, WhatsApp, Uber, Spotify, Google Maps, etc. All of these applications are highly user-driven.
Therefore, one thing that #10YearChallenge for technology has definitely taught us is that user/consumer is now the priority. Technology is being used to serve the users in improved ways. Naturally, the demands and expectations that users have from technologies are also increasing. And so the technology sector continues to remold and progress in different ways. 10 years down the line, in 2029, we may get to see something entirely spectacular and path-breaking in technology. Till then, we can wait and watch the changes unfolding.