Tips To Boost Up A Slow Internet Connection
Boost Up A Slow Internet Connection
Slow internet connections can occur due to many reasons,which is why you can apply multiple ways to boost up your wireless connection.
Targeted to all the causes of slow internet, this article shows the best tips to increase the speed successfully.
So, let’s start with the first tip!
1.Find a better position for your router
You can’t randomly place your Wi-Fi router anywhere in your home. The speed of the internet depends on the location of your router. Hence, you need to choose the best-suited location. And that location will be in the center. A place will allow Wi-Fi signals to reach every corner without any obstruction. This central home location should be open. No walls, decorative items or any other kind of obstructions should stop the signal.
Also, when placing, make sure that the antennas are positioned to point upwards. The central location and upward-pointing antennas will provide an optimal boost to your home network signals and speed.
2. Keep the router away from other electronics
Many people decide to place their routers pretty close to a telephone or television. However, this is not the right decision, as other electronic devices tend to inhibit mywifiext Wi-Fi signals coming out of the router. Devices such as fairy lights, monitors, televisions, speakers, and others are not good for the signal of your wireless network. Hence, it would be wise to choose a place away from all the electronic devices while putting your router.
3. Remove other wireless signals
A router is not the only device emitting wireless signals in your house. There are other devices such as baby monitors, Bluetooth speakers and wireless cameras that emit wireless signals as well. These signals can interrupt the strength of router signals. So, you can try removing other unnecessary wireless signals. This will give a boost to your router’s signal. If that doesn’t work, you should consider a router with dual-band capacity.
4. Put aluminum can around your router
An aluminum container will work as a reflective surrounding to increase signal strength. Hence, it will boost the speed of your slow internet. You can use old containers made from aluminum, such as a beer can, to create a cover for your router. Remove the bottom and top sections and use the circular metal sheet to wrap around the antennas. Keep the front section unexposed. This will give an immediate increase to the quality of internet you receive.
5. Change the password
If your internet speed has suddenly become slow, it could be due to an unauthorized breach. Try to remember if you have shared your Wi-Fi password with anyone other than a family member. To stay on the safe side, it would be smart to change the password with a new one. Also, monitor the number of devices connected to your network.
6. Schedule regular rebooting
If nothing works in your favor, you can manually reboot the router once. Then, set it to regular automatic rebooting. You can schedule a per-day reboot or per-week reboot. This will allow your router to restart in a scheduled manner and it will perform exactly the way you want.
7. Switch to a less crowded channel
Find out if your wireless network is sharing the channel with many of your neighbors. A crowded channel can reduce the speed of your internet significantly. So, to boost it, you can move to a less crowded channel. Look at the Wi-Fi channels available in your area and try them one by one to experience the best possible speed.
8. Get a Wi-Fi extender
If your home or office covers a large area, this could be the reason why your router isn’t able to provide high-speed internet. So, to resolve the problem you can pair your router with an extender.
A Wi-Fi extender will increase the strength and range of wireless signals. It will collect the signals from your router and expand it. This way, you will get high-speed internet at every corner without worrying about any dead zones.
9. Replace your old router
Is your router very old or incapable of serving the signal requirements?! This happens when your router gets old or your usage requirement exceeds the capacity of the router. In such situations, it makes complete sense to find a better router best-suited for your purpose.
Now, you have all the tips to resolve the potential issues that can cause slow internet speed. You can try all the mentioned tips. However, installing a high-quality Wi-Fi extender tends to resolve the problem of speed for most router owners.