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Top 13 Issue Tracking Tools for 2020

Top 13 Issue Tracking Tools for 2020

Thursday July 25, 2019,

6 min Read

The main purpose behind selecting issue tracking tools is to make bug tracking easier in the software development lifecycle. This allows testing teams to record and follow-up on the progress of defects in the software. An issue can be a bug, error or a feature too. However, the added advantage of an issue tracking tool as part of a test management tool allows you to trace back the issue to the underlying test case or requirement. To companies issue tracking tools are of great benefit because it lets them record, report and rectify issues appearing in software development.

So, let’s have a look at the top 13 issue tracking tools for 2020:

1. Kualitee

Kualitee is a software test management tool and probably your next ALM alternative. Providing you test case management, execution and issue tracking features all under a single tool. It’s issue tracking capabilities allows you keep track of what’s important because you get to associate a defect directly with your failed test case. This also provides you traceability to the underlying test case or requirement.

You can also use the defect management feature independent of test case management or integrate it with other third part tools such as JIRA, Redmine etc.

It’s reporting part provides a power dashboard board with latest insights of your project such as defects severity, defect status and number of open defects for a build in testing. You can even create custom bug reports and export them in a format of your choice.

2. Jira

Jira is a popular project management & issue tracking tool that is used to track issues on the web and mobile applications. It is developed by Atlassian and provides simple and easy-to-use features that make project management easier. Jira provides boards when users can create their stories, issues, plan sprints and assign tasks to everyone in the team. It also lets testers prioritize tasks and discuss the scope of issues in detail.

3. Backlog

Another popular bug tracking tool that makes it easy for users to report bugs and keep a complete history of issue updates and allow tracking changes too. Backlog is used to work with other teams for collaboration and high-quality products. Backlog offers the following features:

·        Easy and simple to use an issue tracking tool

·        Search features

·        History of all issues (resolved and pending)

·        Gantt and Burndown charts

·        Wikis and Watchlists

·        Native mobile apps

4. Bugzilla

Bugzilla is an open source issue tracking tool that makes bug tracking easy for anyone using the tool. It offers multiple features like e-mail notification for change in code, reports, and charts, detects duplicate bug automatically, speculates the time required to fix the bug, etc.

5. ReQtest

ReQtest is a cloud-based issue tracking tool with easy features to handle bugs. Testers can capture, track and manage all kinds of bugs and issues. ReQtest allows you to preview bug reports without any clicks. It also provides integration with JIRA to manage bugs in JIRA or ReQtest or both. Following are the key features ReQtest offers:

·        Preview bug reports

·        Presenting bug reports in the form of visual charts

·        Built-in filters for detecting bugs

·        Drag and drop any columns to view group bug reports

·        Visualize large amounts of data in the pie chart

·        Creating powerful reports

6. Redmine

Redmine is an open-source project management tool that offers flexible issue tracking tools. It can be integrated with Source Code Management System (SCM) and provides Gantt charts and calendars. Redmine is popularly used in project management using Ruby on Rail framework.

7. Mantis

Mantis does not only work as a web application but also has its mobile version. It is an easy to use tool that works with multiple databases like MS SQL, MySQL, integrated with apps like chat, wiki, RSS feeds, etc. Users can simply get started in minutes and start managing projects with the best issue tracking tool. Its key features offer:

·        Access controls

·        Email notifications

·        Customization

8. Trac

Trac is a web-based open source bug tracking software that is developed in Python. It can be used to browse through the code, view history, etc. when integrated with Source Code Management. It also supports other platforms like Unix, Linux, Windows, etc.

9. Airbrake is a leading bug tracking tool that has assisted more than 50000 developers with issue tracking. It allows you to locate file, method and line that has created an issue in the system. It helps users to monitor code quality with deply tracking, error trend graphs and detailed dashboards.

10. FogBugz

FogBugz is an online project management suite that offers issue tracking tools. It is a commercial product that reasonable prices making it the right tool effective project management. It allows easy categorization of bugs and features that support viewing bugs later.

11. Bugnet

Bugnet is an issue tracking tool that helps in creating projects, issues and manages them efficiently. It is an open-source tool but the pro-version is paid.

12. Zoho Bug Tracker

Zoho has taken back the market by its amazing products of which the Zoho bug tracker is at the top. It improves productivity by stating reproducible bugs. You can also customize the features in this bug tracker according to the needs of your project. It allows you to make the following customizations:

·        Custom fields

·        Customize ‘bug’ status and define your own workflows

·        Log bugs on-site

·        Customize BugTracker's email templates, etc.

13. BugHost

BugHost is an affordable commercial bug tracking tool that is developed for large enterprises that require high volume licensing with a minimum price. It is a cloud-based tool that can create an issue directly into the project.


When talking from customers' point of view, these tools assist them in reporting an issue, tracking how it can be resolved and assigning the tasks to resolve the issue. On the contrary, it also allows software testers the customization of tracking tools according to their requirements. Since they have a central system for coordinating all software issues, they can use a good open-source tool that can constantly update the bugs. Tools use small cards which contain all information relating the bugs, priority status and other information related to the bugs.