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Top 10 eCommerce Web Design Trends to Follow in 2022

Popular eCommerce web design trends to get more audiences to grow your business next level.

Top 10 eCommerce Web Design Trends to Follow in 2022

Friday May 29, 2020 , 6 min Read

As web design is continuously evolving, various concepts and latest ideas are being introduced for eCommerce designs seeking to view the current user pattern & online shopping habits. Every Digitally-based business should focus on these evolving patterns and upgrade their online Ecommerce sites to remain competitive in this industry. In this article, we are making you aware of the top 10 eCommerce web design trends for upcoming years.

The latest eCommerce development focuses on cutting-edge technologies like VR and artificial intelligence/smarter chatbots, along with creative product visibility and enhanced security online. Going ahead with these trends is the need of the hour as this is what today’s customer wants and expects from online shopping.

Check out the Top 10 Ecommerce Design Trends for Ever

Check out these biggest eCommerce design trends for some valuable eCommerce web design tips from expert eCommerce developers.

1. Focus Most on Ecommerce Mobile apps than A Website

Gone are the days when designers most focus on building eCommerce websites that are adaptive to mobile devices. This is an era of mobile technology. A very large percentage of online shoppers prefer using mobiles to shop online. To remain to capture the market, businesses should shift their focus to going for eCommerce mobile apps rather than the desktop web app.

This just means: That eCommerce designers must create e-commerce websites for mobile that are adaptive to larger screens like laptops or desktops. This is seen as one of the top trends for 2022 and the years to come.

2. Interactive Shopping through Animations, GIFS & Motion Pictures

Nowadays, is time to consider Google’s Material Design. This year focuses on using a lot of animations, GIFS, and pictures with motions for better and more innovative interactions. 

Design your E-commerce app with cool buttons, icon rotations, and animated loading bars that grab the user's attention. Make use of GIFS-like images with small, repeating animations in the homepage banners and background images. As a trend, you should expect more use of cinemagraphs, GIFS, advanced visuals, and motion design this year.

That just means: Stop using just static images and make your store more dynamic, moving ones. Lay focuses on adding videos, cinemagraphs, animation, and micro-interactions. This will revive your boring eCommerce online store.


3. Make use of Striking Colors, Catchy Typography

Building an eCommerce app with a lot of white space in between is the worst thing you are doing this year. The latest eCommerce Design Trends says you should experiment more on bold bright colors for eye-catching websites with colorful homepages. Use colors intelligently that connect with customers, convey messages, and bring a positive shopping experience. Also, make use of interesting typography and letters with highlights.


4. Original Photography with Interactive Product Visuals

Everyone must have heard- A picture speaks a thousand words. Apply this thing to your eCommerce store. Choose beautiful high-quality pictures for your brand but original ones. Minimize the usage of stock images. 

This is a year of advanced interactive visual design like virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), and 3D imaging. This technology helps shoppers better understand the product they are seeking to purchase. This leads to more sales and repeats customers.

Remain ahead with this trend and focus on custom photography. Many companies have already started hiring professional photographers for authentic images to be displayed on their eCommerce stores.


5. Landing page-product page hybrids

In previous eCommerce site designs, users first reach the site's homepage and then head to different subpages to find the product they’re looking for. 

The latest trend of Ecommerce allows designers to add more elements on the homepage so that users ’ searched products could be found on landing pages directed to their product page designs. This type of mini-stores, centered on a single product or category with clear navigation makes it easy to explore the rest of the site.


6. Emotionally Connect with Your Customer via Storytelling

Bring life to your product by telling a great brand story by making use of visual designs. Research says that bringing an emotional connection between customers and brands through storytelling will earn credibility and trust from consumers. This makes you stand out from the crowd. Do this by:

  • Highlighting your brand’s best features
  • Bring in your passion for the product/service
  • How it can resolve the customer’s problem.


7. Enhance Site’s Security with HTTPS Encryption

Dell Security Annual Threat reported that malware attacks nearly doubled to 8.19 billion in 2016. 

With the increasing cyber crimes today, most hackers have found ways to connect with people through email, social media, and even eCommerce sites. Embracing HTTPS encryption to your eCommerce site is thus necessary to improve security and increase their customer’s confidence while online shopping.

8. Smart AI & Chatbots Features

Giving a personalized shopping experience to your audience is the need of the hour. The use of chatbots with artificial intelligence is one of the biggest trends in the eCommerce business. Feature in the smarter chatbots that not only answer customer queries about products and their usages but also help customers purchase decisions, offer discount codes, and delivering shipping notifications, etc. There are already so many eCommerce companies that have started offering interactive chatbots to their valued customers.

9. Unconventional Grid Layouts for Products with Special Focus

Gone are the days of structured square grid layouts of products on eCommerce sites. This is a year of experimenting with new layouts. New catchy unstructured layouts will give your brand an edgy and modern feel and are already going popular in fashionable and most other industries.

This type of unconventional grid layout for products is more useful when you want to pay special attention to certain products. This will strategically highlight some products, for example, best sellers, most viewed products, latest added, etc.

Shopping site

10. Personal Product Descriptions

2022 is a year of personalization and adding a more human approach to addressing customers.

Try adding more humanity to your product descriptions with sections like usage advice, testimonials, or even product recommendation quizzes, etc. These are compelling ways to list product features and are a huge progression in eCommerce personalization.

purple home

Final Words- A Great Web Design Will Fuel Up Your Ecommerce Business

With the growing popularity of online shopping, the eCommerce design is the first thing a user catches after landing upon your website. While a bad design makes a visitor close down that website, a good and trendy web design gains the trust of users and leads them to make a purchase. Just remember- no one is willing to invest their time surfing a resource with a dull design.

As a businessman, you should understand the following business perspective: the vision of your business website, the customer expectation from you, and industry-specific knowledge.

Invest in great web/eCommerce design hiring services from a prominent and award-winning eCommerce app development company in India!