A bookworm, aspiring dog mom, and a social justice warrior, Tanvi writes about fashion through the lens of sustainability.
Sustainable fashion refers to a fundamental shift in the way our society perceives production and consumption — by moving away from a linear mindset of use and throw to a circular one that leads to the regeneration of resources.
However, its environmental benefits notwithstanding, sustainable fashion has often been typecast as ‘boring’ due to a popular myth that sustainable brands stick to earthy, neutral colours, and loose silhouettes.
Tanvi aims to be a voice for sustainable fashion with the view of migrating it from it’s perceived luxury of an elite audience to being more inclusively perceived and economically priced at a large scale.
“Seldom would people identify the clothes they wear as a source of pollution. Yet, in 2015, textiles production led to 1.2 billion tonnes of carbon dioxide emissions, which is more than that of maritime shipping and international flights combined. Textile dyeing and associated activities contributed to 20 percent of all industrial water pollution.”