Good afternoon, readers. I'm writing to you from Calcutta, the City of Joy, which is presently the City of Wedontknowwhatiswrongwiththeweathertoday. As I begin this blog, it has just about finished raining cats and dogs – well, not literally – although, that would be something, wouldn't it? I know I would be standing at my window with my arms stretched wide anticipating a falling kitten or a puppy. Hmm, are kittens and puppies included? Well, I'm guessing we won't know till it happens! I wonder who came up with the idea of cats and dogs falling from the sky. Sounds like something straight out of the Old Testament...
The Lord took ye forth a sword and cleft the sky in twain, An
And there was much wailing and gnashing of teeth. Bu
But Lo! The people of Calcutta were amazed!Fo
For the sky had turned black.An
And there began a great torrent of cats and dogs ...
Well, something like that at any rate.
So, what isis this blog all about? Well, to be honest, I don't know. But I'm guessing it's going to be a double helping of everything with a cherry on top. I have been working as the Calcutta correspondent for Your Story for a little over a month now. In the beginning, I was rather befuddled by the world of entrepreneurship, the people who inhabit this strange realm and the quaint terminology of the business world. Okay, so I do not come from a business background and to make matters more interesting – I come from the Art's stream. But BBut even still, I wondered if I had somehow missed the Money Train? And whether, I could somehow bribe the bouncer at the gates of this parallel universe? Was I the only one without a clue as to what a USP was?!? But then I wondered if these were the nonsensical ramblings of people who'd strayed too far into the dark side. Was this terminology of a race of Anakin Skywalkers? *gak* Would I soon start sounding like an ant trapped in the sugar jar?
I mean, think about it -- 'USP', 'Venture Capitalist', 'POD', 'Incubators', 'Bootstrap Funding' or even plain old 'Private Equity' are words you will never find in the Old Testament. This must be the work of evil! But what if...In the beginning, there were entrepreneurs! One creates Heaven and Earth, the Greater Light and the Lesser Light, the mountains and the oceans, the trees and the flowers, the animals and eventually – Man. And what did the other do? He handed all this jargon to Man and spawned little companies all over the world! And the Lord shook his head gravely and, thus, created the Arts.
Meanwhile, amidst all this thunder and rain, here I was wondering if I was I *gulp* alalone?? So I mustered up all my courage, tied a little bundle on a stick and stepped out. Hence, in mymy beginning, I went looking for answers but I'm still not entirely sure I've found them. So does mymy beginning go on then? Well, at any rate, the search for truth or 'uncommon sense' (as my school teacher once said) continues for now... Or maybe for all eternity. Who knows? I could be left forever scratching my head -- much like my fellow Calcuttan's, as the warm sunshine stealthily creeps once more into my balcony.--