An interactive training workshop on how non-profits can raise funds from Trusts & Foundations. It will be held on 27th March 2010 – Deck Suite, India Habitat Center, Lodhi Road, New Delhi – 10am to 5pm.
The workshop will answer questions such as: What are Trusts and Foundations? How do I find them? What activities do they fund? How do I approach them?
This workshop seeks to answer these and some other questions pertaining to raising funds from Trusts & Foundations
The workshop is being led by:
Prema Balasubramanian
Regional Program Funding Manager,
Oxfam GB, South Asia Regional Center
Other Speakers are:
Anisha Singh
Head – Communications & Partnerships
Bharti Foundation
Barsha Poricha
Senior Programme Officer
National Foundation of India
Participation Charges: Rs.3,000/-
Inclusive of: materials, lunch, refreshments, and resource book
For more details and registration contact:
Rosaline Z. Mualchin
Tele: +91 11 2613 2024 / 2086
Email: [email protected]
Trusts and Foundations are very diverse. They vary in size, amount of funding and the procedures used to apply for a grant. Larger Trusts may give big grants. However, we cannot ignore smaller grant-making bodies, as often a small grant for Rs.50,000 or so, may be the key to opening the doors with larger funders. It definitely improves your credibility when they see that another body is happy to invest in your project.
Trusts and Foundations are grant-making bodies set up specifically to give money for charitable purposes. In the UK, there are about 8,800 independent grant making trusts and foundations, giving about £2 billion each year. Does India have as many? How much do Indian Trusts and Foundations give?