Up next is Nisha from SMSCountryNisha: Send free SMS via website. First 80 characters is user-generated, the remaining 80 chars is ad.
Nisha: 8.5 million users, and 85 million
Nisha: 200 advertisement campaigns
Nisha: Targeting oppurtunities through geographic, demographic and contextual targeting
Up next is Escalate Consultancy
Escalate: Provides student management system called E-SMS
Escalate: Provide SMS solutions, CCTV, services etc
Escalate: Nowhere available in the Indian market. Can target 920,000 self financed institutes.
Escalate: 3 years of Bi-lateral renewable market. Finalized franchisee model.
Up next is Santosh from Caller.info.id
Santosh: Mobile is the 7th mass media
Santosh: We're targettng graphic advertising via bluetooth, wi-fi.
Santosh: Revenue model is generating funds by selling application, and advertising
The last participant for the day, George Vettah, who is founder Kallos Solutions
George: Underlying problem in Enterprise applications today is that they're all stitched together to work
George: Platform as a service model is what we do.
George: Model based development applications needed.
George: 4 years building platform, 3 years building enterprise class applications.
George: We're profitable, self-sustainable. We're looking to scale with big companies