Move2Picasa: Web app to shift your pictures from Facebook to Google Plus
Monday July 18, 2011 , 3 min Read
7000 “likes”, 800+ tweets, 6500 “+1”s and 30,000 users in the first 15 days!
Ideas take birth when you’re least aware of them. A small observation, a seemingly inconsequential conversation or an occurrence might lead to a spark which can give rise to a great idea. But great ideas need to be executed well, for them to see the light of the day. Move2Picasa grew from one such idea and transformed into an app that has been used by many who are giving Google + a serious try. YourStory correspondent Jubin Mehta had a conversation with the developer Aman Kumar Jain. Given below are the excerpts from that conversation:
Photos are seen as Facebook’s last line of defense against Google +. And your app, Move2Picasa chips away at that. How did the idea come about?
I have a habit of discussing new technologies and once when I was on phone with my college friend discussing about Google+, we realized that the one thing that prevented people from moving onto Google + was their inability to take the albums along with them. This is how the idea took birth.
What are views on the Facebook v/s Google+ tussle?
I have no personal favorites. But one has to be present on both if one wants to keep pace with the times. With Google +, the concept of circles can be a bit confusing at first. Once you get a hang of it, there are a few things that you’ll really like about Google +. My bets are on circles, as it allows to share only with people I want. Also, the idea of “Following” instead of being a mutual friend is very interesting. And also, as I do not want to listen to a lot of things out there, the 'Mute this post' button is wonderful. While Google + is seeing a lot of traction, I would also maintain a Facebook profile since a lot of my connections are just way too used to it.
Tell us about the technology behind Move2Picasa.
The web app was built using PHP and MySQL. But the next version (the Google Chrome extension) is purely on JavaScript and HTML5 Local Storage.
Is this a one-off app or are you planning to take this forward seriously? Also, what’s the sort of traction that you’ve seen?I have co-founded my company, AmiWorks. So, I will call Move2Picasa an AmiWorks experiment. It was released on the 2nd of July, 2011. Since then, there has been a lot of progress and we have seen massive growth. More than 30,000 users have used it so far. I believe that’s a very good start.
So, if you’re looking to move your pictures from Facebook to Google +, do check out Also, do let us know what you think of this story by writing to us at [email protected]