Gartner Twitter Chat : Business Gets Social - October 4 2011
The wave of social business will be larger and even more disruptive than the e-business wave that preceded it.
It is more than Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. It is also more than the enabling technologies – wikis, blogs, social networks, etc. Social media is really about engaging communities in new ways to achieve otherwise impossible business value. It is about strategy. It is about thriving, surviving or disappearing in a new age of human behaviors fueled by mass collaboration.
This Gartner Twitter Chat will explore the critical trends that are upending social programs as business get social.
Key topics coved with include:
- What makes social media so powerful?
- How can organizations take a strategic approach to social media?
- How can social media transform how you do business?
- How do you measure the value of social media?
- What are the major best and poor practices that mean the difference between success and failure?
The Gartner Twitter Chat will take place October 4, at 3 ET on Twitter with Anthony Bradley, Carol Rozwell, and Elise Olding. Please join us on Twitter using #GartnerChat. Follow the hosts: @BradleyAnthonyJ, @CRozwell, @EliseOlding and @Gartner_inc
Source : Gartner blog