[Jobs Roundup] Solutions Infini, Little Eye Labs, redBus and many more are looking to hire you!
Apart from India's largest startup jobs fair, this week has seen a steady flow for job requests on the YourStory.in jobs board. This week sees the usual for technologists from some marquee startup who are also at the Startup Jobs Fair tomorrow. Here is the job listing for the past week -

Pre - sales support Engineer at BenchTech Software Pvt Ltd
Interns! at Solutions Infini
Tech Lead/CTO at Brandlogist Communications
Java Specialist at touchsy
(Seriously hardcore) Android Hacker at little eye labs
Technical Writer at Egghead Creative
Junior Web Designer at Egghead Creative
Engineering Manger at redBus
Sr Software Engineer / Lead - Ui at redBus
Category Manager at Tagos
Customer Engagement Manager at Tagos
Accounts Associate at Thinvent Technologies
Java Engineers at Infoarmy