Ayush Pateria: A young, enthusiastic self taught app developer
In the course of interacting with different entrepreneurs I have noticed one common trend. Majority of startup are based on ideas/problems that were once faced by the founders itself. This makes them a perfect consumer of their own product. And then to test, if their product is scalable to masses or not. Ayush Pateria did a similar thing where he created a product which was required in his home and then later it turned out that lakhs of other people were also interested in the same. All these and he was still studying in class 12.
Ayush is young developer aged 17 and his app ‘’ was a major hit among smartphone owners, it got over one million downloads.
As the story goes, his father used to send online messages to his group and it was a fairly long process from opening the website to import all the contacts and then send across the desired message. Ayush adds here “so to make this process simple for everybody I decided to develop a computer software that had the same functionality.” His software got a decent responses, so he decided why not create a Android app. A messaging app for a smartphone makes complete sense. He tried his hands on learning android programming and then made a simple app for the same.
In our discussion with Ayush he also mentioned that he was also involved many other projects before plunging into his messaging app. At the age of 14, he used to develop fully functional websites and softwares for web designing companies. He used to carve his magic in HTML, CSS, PHP and Javascript and was also responsible for creating a software for a Bangalore client written in C#.
Being a developer at such young age reflects that he learned everything on his own and that he also has a lot of time in hand to work on other ideas as well. He profoundly mentions “ I am self taught and learning ever since I was 12. Apart from my message app I do have some incomplete projects lined up which I would like to work on next year. It includes apps related to cricket and songs.” He also rightly points out that he got equally good support from his parents. “At first, when I started developing this app they thought I am wasting my time, but soon they realised that I am doing something productive and supported me thereafter.”
Ayush is currently studying in 11th standard and wishes to take IIT-JEE next year and probably launch an Android app and games development company.
To conclude he wishes to advise other students of similar age groups “Do what interests you most, learn it, explore it and give your best in it, success will definitely follow.”