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[Techie Tuesdays] Round up: Magicians who made our tuesdays

[Techie Tuesdays] Round up: Magicians who made our tuesdays

Tuesday April 15, 2014 , 3 min Read

The ability to change the world from your fingertips is something which takes only hours to learn but years to master. These techies have persisted in their dreams and managed to make a mark on the world. They work hard to create magic on screen. They do not care about the money or fame. The only thing that matters to them is that their work should be used by people. They care about creating things which would be helpful for others, they crave joy in small things. A program executed without errors gives them more satisfaction than having a meal at a five star hotel.

This Tuesday we take a second look at the techies who made our Tuesdays.

Nirman Dave - An entrepreneur, a teacher at his own school and mentor at a university in his city- Nirman Dave achieved all this by the time he was seventeen. Having created 170 applications by the time he was in eighth grade, Nirman stands true to the meaning of his name. Find out more about Nirman here.


Fankit Aadia - Fankit Aadia was born in a data center and is the only guy in the entire universe who owns a licensed version of WinRaR. He is also helping in the investigations of MH370. Read more about Fankit here.

Saurabh Minni - Started by learning DBase, Saurabh is an expert at scaling systems for large users and code optimization. Having optimized performance of systems by 1000x, Saurabh is currently the Technology Architect at AdNear. Read more about him here.

Santosh Tuppad - A Security enthusiast by profession, Santosh gained his reputation by hunting bugs in bounty programs. He believes in spreading knowledge for free. Find out more about Santosh here.

Kailash Nadh – Since he was a child, Kailash Nadh has been building products that millions of people use all over the world. He does not believe in people paying for his products. Kailash belongs to a rare breed of coders who has figured out the art of market adoption. Know more about him here.

Parimala Hariprasad – Even after forty rejections, she was not discouraged. Parimala is perseverance personified. Her story will leave you inspired. You can read more about her here.

Deepa Pottangadi – Though she was destined for coding, she decided to stay away from it. But ultimately she fell in love with it all over again. Deepa's story is one of honesty and hard work. Click here to get inspired by her.

Anool Mahindra - A hardware hacker, Anool started his lessons by tinkering with the engine of LML Vespa. He is the founder of WyoLum, a virtual hacker space whose members are spread around the globe and design Open Hardware projects. Find out more about Anool here.

Thejesh GN - Thejesh believes that helping people with your code is one of the best things you can do. An activist by heart, Thejesh makes sure his applications benefit the common junta. Former technical head at Janagraha, he also organizes open data camps to spread knowledge about harnessing data for common good. Read more about Thejesh here.